I need help getting a check stub/proof of income.. Can anyone help me???

I'm going to Alabama next month (around a week before Christmas) and hopefully I'll find a pretty decent car while I'm down there visiting my family for the holidays.

I saw the car I was looking for online (on kbb.com), with low miles, and within my price range, but the only problem is I need a check stub or some sort of proof of income.

I'm planning on going to a dealership, and hopefully paying for the whole car there in cash.

I know I'm going to need this if I want a good car since my credit is pretty bad. What should I do now? Does anyone know who or where I could turn to?

Feel free to reply here or send me a PM.

FishGuy13's Avatar
IF you can afford to pay the full asking price ie have enough cash on hand to buy it out-right then it should not matter what your credit is like. IF you need to finance part of it ... I'd say talk with a CPA or someone like the H&R Block people you see every-where about this time of year and just tell them you are a self-employed massuse and need help in showing proof of income. Another option is to show your bank statments to the car lot you are going to and tell about the same story as above that you are self employeed and here are some of your past deposits. I also think Kayla had or was looking into a 3rd party business that handled all of your money for you and even offered you a way to show proof of income and held back the taxes for you then gave you a regular pay check kinda like if you were a server. But don't quote me on this, just because it makes sense to me does not make it true, lol. Hope this or someone can help!
bojulay's Avatar
If your paying cash you should get a really good deal on a car. Don't tell
them at first that your paying cash though, and if you have a trade in act
like your not going to trade it in and then after settling on a price for the
car then say, now about trading in my old car. You can always go online
to different dealerships and get price quotes from them on specific cars
that they have listed. If your buying a new car be very careful they
will try and load you up with a lot of extra crap that you don't need.
Go online or find a good book on how to buy a new or used car there
should be some good ones out There. Doing some research can save you
hundreds even thousands of your hard earned money.

One of the main things to remember is always always always, did I say
always, get a ( what they call )" out the door price quote " that means
that the price they quote you is all inclusive ( the final price ) after taxes
and all the other crap they charge you for. You should not pay one penny
more than the ( out the door quote ) if they try to, say no way buddy.
Don't go in not knowing what your doing, they will see this and eat you alive.
Sad but true. Their like sharks in the water. I know all these things and saved
about a thousand dollars off my last new car purchase.

Lastly, when you go to the dealership take someone with you, preferably
a man. Sad but true, when they see a woman by herself they think it's
easy money time and will try to pull shit on you that they wouldn't
if your with a man.

And one last thing to remember, these people are really not your friend.
Their sole job is to extract as much money out of you as they possibly
can, and your job is to not let them. You don't have to be rude or anything
just remember that when they try to get all supper friendly like your
their new best friend, you will be if they can rip you off. I make it a point
to never laugh or joke around with them and if they start that shit I
just give them a blank stare. One guy was trying this so much I finally
told him, look guy I'm here to buy a car not make a new friend for life.

One other thing to look out for is the tag team routine where it seams like
your having to deal with a lot of different people, you should only deal
with one salesman. And don't ever seem desperate or like your mind is totally
made up, always have that just checking feel about you right up to the time
you make the purchase. Hope this helped you out some.

an OUT THE DOOR PRICE QUOTE. You can bargain with them from there,
but don't bargain until you get an OUT THE DOOR PRICE QUOTE.

Once again do some research online and find out what the car you want
is selling for but always make sure it's the OUT THE DOOR PRICE.
And not a penny more.

If your buying in another state I don't think you should have to pay sales tax. Remember that when they quote the price or they might add it
in kind of under the table.

Good luck.
Thanks for the info guys but financing and finding a good deal and not getting ripped off isn't what I need help with.

Girls who are in this line of business like me will eventually want to get things like cars and apartments in their name, but need a proof of income, or a check stub, especially if they were to go to a dealership.

I need some replies that will answer my question- How to get ahold of a check stub because I know some people have access to that kind of thing.

I already know about financing and not being haggled.. I just need to get this proof of income and then I'll be all set.

There was one provider who told me she does this sort of thing, and if I need help with it, to PM her, but she never replied, so I have to look else where.

If anyone has any relevant information, please let me know! Thanks!
Its possiable that i can help you. I cant make you pay stubs but i can give you a print out of a Proof of Employment/Income on my company letter head if you think that will help let me know ! Also alot of time with check stubs you are required to bring around 3 to 5 of them with you. I can make you a printout for the last 2 or 3 months if needed. Let me know it will take a bit of time to type it up with the acurate info !
That sounds good Kaci.. I'm going to check around for a few more days and then I'll PM you and let you know if I could use your help. As of now, I haven't found anyone to make me check stubs, and that's what I'm really looking for. Thanks for your reply.. I'll keep in touch because I'll need them in about 2 weeks.
Well I had the same problem..butknow i dont just go and give them cash money and they look over the stub thing..but i open i bank account now so that work great for me...
EBG I was thinking of doing the same thing- I just would prefer to have a car to get to and from the bank, and to handle everything myself.
Once I have my car and I can get around when I want and need to, I'll definitely be opening a bank account.
A great way to handle proof of income is

To pay your taxes. Remember ladies, despite all the laws that were broken in his enterprise, what ultimately brought Al Capone down was Tax Evasion.
Any other tips on how to commit financial fraud?
Any other tips on how to commit financial fraud? Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth

Ain't THAT the truth?
I just leased a brand new Audi (I am not bragging) but this is what I did.....set up an S corp (I am a consultant). I got myself an accountant who is one of us and no I am completely legit. This is great because instead of not building credit and just being under ground you are. So I would suggest doing that. In the short term I would buy it from a private buyer in cash. Anything over 10grand is going to raise a red flag. PM me if you need any more advice or my accountant's email.

Stay safe


Proof of income, help with your taxes, etc. You pay yourself and get a pay stub each week.
Pay your taxes and show your 1040. That's as simple as it gets. If you lie to the government and compound it by lying to banks etc you are setting yourself up for a bad fall. As for the gal that offered the paperwork, that could have consequences for you too if they determine you are liable for taxes on the wage or if she says she didn't pay them in an audit, then you are responsible. Don't be foolish and stick your neck out without talking to your CPA