How many of you ladies have

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
tattoos. Gentsts how do you feel on this matter?
jdean208's Avatar
In and of themselves, they are not very meaningful. Tatoos can enhance and render spectacular an already beautiful woman. On a young suicide girl or Megan Fox or Marilyn Monroe, they can take your breath away. On other women, the result can be tired or sad or simply messy, which would probably be the same description with or without the tatoos. Even with older women, the result, to me, is the same.

As for guys, if one has served in the military or lived in the Pacific Islands, great. It is a rite of passage and should be respected. Otherwise, it has always seemed to me to be an irretrievable decision that many guys I know have regretted.

The Greatest Generation loved them, baby boomers avoided them and the Gen Xers and Ys are all over the map on the subject. So to each his or her own. Maybe I will get a dove of peace over each nipple, like my WW ll veteran dad's, on my 65th birthday!

I don't have any tattoos but I like them.
For me it depends a lot on the tattoo itself, the location, and the lady (or gentleman) bearing it. I really dislike trendy tattoos, or anything trite/overdone; a tattoo should be as unique and meaningful as the individual it's on. I've seen some that are amazing, and some that make me cringe.

I've never been able to think of a tattoo I'd want on my skin forever, so I have none. Besides, I have tons of freckles already, which are like nature's tattoos.
tia travels's Avatar
I have no tattoos.
Temporary ones are enough fun for me.
I have 2, 1 on each shoulderblade
London Rayne's Avatar
Hate em...that's all.
The Fetishist's Avatar
I love ink. Very erotic.

Yep, Another Fetish.

I love ink. Very erotic.

Yep, Another Fetish.

Fetish Originally Posted by The Fetishist
I have none. I'm not a fan of them either. I contemplated getting them when I was younger cause I thought it was "cool"... Glad I didn't. I know I'd regret it.
I hear too many people guys complain how tacky they are on women anyway.
I wanna get some temporary tattoos and some of that ink that wears off in a few weeks.. forgot the name of that stuff.
don't want a permanent one. I can't imagine it being attractive when I am 50
I have three. I've recently been considering getting more, but I haven't yet. I believe that if done well they can be a beautiful asset to the body. The problem is, so many of them are NOT done well. My current three are all in inconspicuous locations and often times go unnoticed.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I could never inagine one on me. I also think of what they would look like 20 years down the line...not pretty. I know so many ladies that got them young and regret it.
NO tattoos! They are permanent & if you go through getting them removed, it's more expensive than the tattoo itself. I think I'd get tired of a tattoo quickly.

Piercings, are a different story. I have 2. Navel & nose. The guys love the navel piercing. I wear a virtually invisible clear post in my nostril because I realize some men may not like it. The only way to see it is if you are up close & look right at it. At least a piercing can be taken out.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I could never inagine one on me. I also think of what they would look like 20 years down the line...not pretty. I know so many ladies that got them young and regret it. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

Tattoos are not appealing to me. I look at it as one disfiguring their body. My body is fine the way it is. Guys are always surprised when I tell them I do not like tattos or piercing (classic ear only). The infamous tramp stamp is so tacky to me. My sister used to say when everyone in the hood starts doing it - it's out of style. I know a lot of ladies that end up regretting they got them. I hear Laser removal hurts like hell and is very expensive.

Edit to add: Only a few people can pull tattos off, on the majority, it looks pretty stupid.