Chapel of Bones - Portugal "Melior est die mortis die nativitatis (Better is the day of death than the day of birth)"

Here a photo from the "Capela dos Ossos" - it is literally "made of bones". No joke.

Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos (“We, the bones that are here, await yours.").

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Wow! Wonder how it feels to be there.
Wow! Wonder how it feels to be there. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
I am viennese, we have "morbid" tendencies.
The viennese have a similar culture about worshipping death in their philosophies. So,
It felt peaceful and beautiful. I was listening to nasty "boner" jokes all the time though ... (lol)
London Rayne's Avatar
I saw something like this in Japan, but it was grave soldiers. All figures standing were guarding the graves and made of bones. It was in a Buddah Temple of some sort from what I can recall...was about 13 when I went.

I would think death of course is more peaceful than life. There is no pain, stress, turmoil etc. "Dying" however, may not be so simplistic.
It is an interesting post for this board Nina It was built to provoke thought and send the message of "life being transitory," I understand.
It is an interesting post for this board Nina It was built to provoke thought and send the message of "life being transitory," I understand. Originally Posted by thoughtful
Well, i try to post some nice things from "home". Just for sharing. That is all. Thanks for looking at it :-)
Thanks. I am new to eccie and this forum in particular. I am so attracted to this forum precisely because I am getting laughs, culture, thought pieces and more -- all at the same time
Thanks. I am new to eccie and this forum in particular. I am so attracted to this forum precisely because I am getting laughs, culture, thought pieces and more -- all at the same time Originally Posted by thoughtful
I feel the same, I am a complete eccie addict since day one! Its an amazing forum . We have so many different people here! Welcome , btw and enjoy the ride!
I've been to the Chapel. Did you catch the word's inscribed above the entrance? If I remember right... its something like, "Here we bones rest and wait, for yours which will come right soon." I'm sure I'm butchering it. still... it left an impression. The Road of Bones is dream ride of mine. One day I hope to ride Chernobyl... and then it.
Yes yes. I have edited the first post to mention it ;-) : Here it is.

"Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos (“We, the bones that are ("estamos" {can have several meanings in several contexts}(resting- standing- being) here,(by the means of -"pelos" to) await yours.").

How did you like Portugal? Isn`t it an amazing place? I have yet to explore Spain in that way, but somehow Portugal has my heart - the saudade is more intriguing - :-).

As to my post : The french say "le petit mort" to orgasm :-) so at least that explains the "Boners" here (lol).

OH MY GOD! There is a road of Bones? Never heard of it: That one, right? You made me curious:

Oh gosh!!! Please Please Please - if your life permits it - take me with you!!! That sounds like a hell of a ride! No joke, i am damn serious!!

(Chernobyl still is radioactive - not sure how to prepare? Yodine?)
Chernobyl is no big deal. You just have to make sure you stay on the roads, which mitigate the radiation completely. Its not nearly the dead zone folks believe. Animals live there and are plentiful... they just don't have 100% of the normal life span that they would have else where. As long as you stay within a few feet of the asphalt you're good.

As for the road of bones... That's a brutal ride. One day... one day.

As for the road of bones... That's a brutal ride. One day... one day. Originally Posted by trailor
Thanks for the info on chernobyl. That i did not know.
As for the road of bones. Brutal makes it interesting. But doing it one ride ;-). I must read the book about it. ,,,,
post some more Portugal photos....I haven't been there in a while......
Thanks for the info on chernobyl. That i did not know.
As for the road of bones. Brutal makes it interesting. But doing it one ride ;-). I must read the book about it. ,,,, Originally Posted by ninasastri

Ewen McGregor has a documentary called "The Long Way 'Round". I think they hit the Road of Bones in it. I know they hit the Chapel.