Another Video on Truth of 911

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I, personally, began having doubts about 911 when I saw the one and only picture posted on the front page of every news magazine in America. The one that shows the plane easily gliding into a structure like the World Trade Center. Here is another video and inside information from the CIA. Someone got away with murdering thousands of hard working Americans. . .and I don't think it was from a foreign country! It was a totally collaborated, synthesized operation. Take a look for yourself:
I, personally, began having doubts about 911 when I saw the one and only picture posted on the front page of every news magazine in America. The one that shows the plane easily gliding into a structure like the World Trade Center. Here is another video and inside information from the CIA. Someone got away with murdering thousands of hard working Americans. . .and I don't think it was from a foreign country! It was a totally collaborated, synthesized operation. Take a look for yourself: Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

HMD... that can't be true. If it was Hussein he have told you about it? Right?
The one that shows the plane easily gliding into a structure like the World Trade Center. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Yeah. Any idiot knows that a jetliner full of fuel, flying at 500 miles per hour, would bounce off of an office building.
I, personally, began having doubts about 911 when I saw the one and only picture posted on the front page of every news magazine in America. The one that shows the plane easily gliding into a structure like the World Trade Center. Here is another video and inside information from the CIA. Someone got away with murdering thousands of hard working Americans. . .and I don't think it was from a foreign country! It was a totally collaborated, synthesized operation. Take a look for yourself: Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

Ohh god no not a another truther conspiracy. Listen sweetie the man responsible for 911 is now decayed at the bottom of the Indian ocean. The only other people we could possible implicate would be George Bush and Dick Cheney and given their neo-con chicken hawk nature that's a mathematical impossibility.

The only thing we can accurately blame Bush Jr. for is willingly, purposely, and willfully sending thousands of young men to their deaths so that he could get personal revenge against Saddam for threatening to kill his dad Bush Sr. during the Kuwait invasion.

Any real student of religious and Geo-politics can tell you how much Bin-Laden hated Saddam. Saddam was more like Bush Jr in that he was a globalist and an opportunist whereas Bin Laden was a true hardcore radical religious to the death Mujahedin.

Bin-Laden's pure hatred for Saddam really reached a head with the invasion of Kuwait. Osama went to the Kingdom of Saudi and sought permission to fight against the Iraqi invasion. When they told him NO he turned his ire against his own country and against the West much like these paramilitary groups that operate in the U.S. today. Saudi banished him from the Kingdom and he took refuge once again with the Mujahedin with whom he previously helped fight against the Soviets. Once he was banished from Saudi, Osama as a slap in the face to the Kingdom; who he knew had very close ties to the West (read U.S) recruited ~80% of their citizens to help carry out 911.

So there was just simply no way Saddam could have at all been tied to 911 and the global security community knew it. Bush and Cheney knew it as well that's why they lied about it. This was all pure 100% masterminded by Osama Bin Laden. Make no mistake the guy lived in a fucking desert but he was smart and what he did has changed American culture forever. Even though he was killed he actually WON in my view since killing him is no moral equivalence for killing over 3000 people. Additionally, airport security and all the other invasions of privacy by the government are all part of Osama's legacy so he won in that sense as well.

There is no conspiracy we just got caught with our pants down and will pay an enduring price for it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey, it is on the inter net......bonjour.

My favorite is how Cheney and Halliburton blew the dykes in New Orleans.......oh wait, I really did mean dykes.

The ability to control the weather is a documented fact and is used primarily by the Illuminati to game the system to fund their worldwide operations.

The grays are highly suspected of providing the key to climate control and how to create the illusion of climate change for profit. It is a proven fact.

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CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What about Building 7? How many other steel framed buildings have ever collapsed into their own footprint due to fire?

Just asking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No shit, Whiny! It was all staged, right?

Fucking idiot.

BTW -- Kayla, is that you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No shit, Whiny! It was all staged, right?

Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Answer my questions, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. I'm not implying anything. Just asking.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Answer my questions, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. I'm not implying anything. Just asking.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't know the answers. I don't unhealthily obsess over this like you and the other conspiracy bunker clowns do.

I'm pretty sure John Wilkes Booth acted alone...

Fucking idiot.
I don't know the answers. I don't unhealthily obsess over this like you and the other conspiracy bunker clowns do.

I'm pretty sure John Wilkes Booth acted alone...

Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I have lots of opinions on STUFF. I realize others have their heads up their Yssup's so... I choose to keep them to myself... Shit Eater.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have lots of opinions on STUFF. I realize others have their heads up their Yssup's so... I choose to keep them to myself... Shit Eater. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Brilliant! And so eloquently stated.

When DID you pay off those college loans, Slobby?
Brilliant! And so eloquently stated.

When DID you pay off those college loans, Slobby? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

About the time you had been sucking DICKS at your GLORY HOLE for 10 years. Do I need to do the math for you? ... Bitch Lips.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
About the time you had been sucking DICKS at your GLORY HOLE for 10 years. Do I need to do the math for you? ... Bitch Lips. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Brilliant. And so eloquently stated!

When DID you pay off your college loans. Slobbo?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not obsessing about anything, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014. I'm just asking. If you don't know the answer, which I'm sure you don't, someone else will. Don't stress over it. Just Keep Calm and Rant On, my dysfunctional friend!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
No stress from you, Whiny. I figured you'd know the answer since you've been seeking the truth about this great mystery since we staged the lunar landing...