Porn consumption by state

pmdelites's Avatar
while reading this article about the internet

they included this map about Porn consumption by state [based on "data from the popular porn site Pornhub"].
i used to contribute a lot to texas' number.

i wonder if anyone has done a similar map for consumption of escort sites.
What happened to Kansas? Do they have the internet there yet?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
What happened to Kansas? Do they have the internet there yet? Originally Posted by Prolongus
They in the midst of a big change right now. But by the end of next year they should have everybody's telegraph changed over to phones.
Interestingly, Google has installed the superfast fiber optic cable in Kansas City. They now have the fastest internet in the nation (by a factor of 100x) for downloading all those nasty pics and videos.

Anybody familiar with the old Broadway musical "Oklahoma" knows that "Everything is Up to Date in Kansas City!"