Review: Stood up by a Brainless Butterfly!

Daisy Plow's Avatar
Date: 08-10-15
Provider: Butterflybaby
Phone: who cares
Email Address: Dont give a shit
URL / Website: Pure Shit
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: 88 long miles from home
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: 2 Hours of rush hour driving, several unanswered texts & phone calls, waiting in a shit motel parking lot for Nothing!
Session Length: 0 min / 0 Hrs
Fee: 000.00
Hair Color and Length: Who the fuck knows, I guess what her pictures show.
Age: ?
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Wouldn't have the foggiest idea except for the pictures she posts and the descriptions others have offered up in the reviews where she actually showed up.
Recommendation: No
billmr74's Avatar
Omg. Thank you. This helps soooo much.
JuanBear4U's Avatar
BREATH IN. BREATH OUT. that sucks man better luck next time
give us a link to this girl
kingone's Avatar
give us a link to this girl Originally Posted by pilot4u2.0
I second this ☝
Daisy Plow's Avatar So I suppose she finally had a moment of clarity 3 hours after our scheduled appt. time and wrote a little text saying she had fallen asleep! How quaint. Not sure why her phone was busy every other time I called her while I was sitting in that fucking parking lot?
My advice to anyone trying to see this Flake, is Not to proceed until you have a live conversation with her on the phone. Who knows who the Fuck is writing her texts. That may or may not be her, It may be her "Handler". I've wasted enough of my time and energy on this one. Case Closed.
elcalifa's Avatar
Chalk it up, have a plan B ready and go on to the next in line. Thanks for the info, BTW that chick's ass is flatter than Kansas.
rexdutchman's Avatar
we should start a new area for time wasters
catbanger's Avatar
At least you didn't buy her a car!
definitely sounds like plan b was in order... her manager probably couldn't get her to the specified location in time...
gman44's Avatar
sorry about that but all NCNS's go here
Kayleehotchick's Avatar

That is uncalled for what she did. Sorry this happen to you.
gladius82's Avatar
That is totally fucked up. The last time that shit happened to me I drove 40 miles for nothing.

I will make one addition to having a plan B
I no longer drive more than 20 miles without a current confirmation........If I don't get a confirmation while I am on my way I turn around. No exceptions....