Big C

DATYMAN's Avatar
Does anyone know if Big C is still around here?
gimme_that's Avatar
I thought he retired several years ago after ASPD. Did he like makes a new name or something. I haven’t seen any post from him in years if he’s still out there.
His last activity on here was 1-23-19. I doubt half the current NOLA peeps know who he is/was.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Lawyer from MS, right? Haven’t heard from him in a few years.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-05-2020, 11:45 PM
We continue to keep in touch, occasionally.
He's still doing fine in the same area he's always been.
Like many of us, maybe not as active as our Glory Days, but certainly, still in the game!
DATYMAN's Avatar
Giz, he knew the provider you and I talked about. Trying to see if he remembers and has a POC for her. PM me and I can give the details you can send him for me if needed.
DATYMAN's Avatar
PM me Turbo, not sharing his possible personal info here.
Big C was Legendary Mod ! Always fair and kind . Miss those ASPD days , they were the BEST ! The hobby was out of this world on that board. Great memories
DATYMAN's Avatar
Totally agree, way better.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-07-2020, 01:06 AM
Big C knows, as well of any of us, how the hobby has changed over the last decade or so. (Nikki, so do you)
Both of you remain on the Top Shelf!
Thank you MrGiz! Xoxo
DallasRain's Avatar
I luved Big C!!!!!!!!
DATYMAN's Avatar
I got in touch via a contact here. Thanks everyone.
I remember him of course !
pornodave69's Avatar
Cool guy, back when the boards were more fun.