Did I Miss An Opportunity??.....

I’m new to the site and been browsing . Have made one review...
I thought i would get the conversation going and needed opinions from both sides...
So...urban legend has it that if a woman wears an anklet , it means she is a hotwife.... is it a myth or is there some truth to it.
I’m asking because I was walking into the grocery store this afternoon and spotted this hot blonde walking in. The closer I got to her to get a better look, I noticed she was in fact married...and also had an anklet on her right foot.
My wheels started spinning , but I could not get the balls to approach her as I stood in the produce section pretending to be price comparing and waiting to see if she might walk near me. She seemed very focused on her shopping ..
Should I have approached her??...and what would’ve been a good introductory /pickup line?
Lol, it's not the 80s. Thought it was a thing back then. No clue about now, but I think it's much more classic than a freaking ankle tattoo.
Thanks for your input Kimberly ..
I was really hoping for more feedback from everyone else...feel free to chime in.
DallasRain's Avatar
yes I used to wear one lol

A married woman who wears an anklet is often referred to as “Hotwife”. ... And the “hotwife anklet” is a discreet sign that she is available to date other men with her husband's permission and approval. For most people who are not aware of the lifestyle, an anklet is simply an anklet and has no other meaning.



Thanks Dallas....so are you saying i should’ve taken my chances and approached her?? What should I have said to let her know I was interested without embarrassing myself.....maybe she was just innocently wearing an anklet...
CocoLpz's Avatar
I don't know, but some women just like wearing anklets. Approaching a married woman just because she's wearing an anklet is a risky proposition, especially if her husband is around. And even if she really is into dating other men, there's no guarantee she would want to hook up with you.

That said, if I wanted to take my chances, then I would approach her with an innocent question; anything to start a conversation. Then I would look for nonverbal cues to indicate attraction or interest. If she gave me a certain look or got flirty or made a comment that could indicate interest, then I would pursue. But even then, I would thread very carefully as to not offend her while trying to make a move. Just my two cents.
Coco I hear you. And I’ve thought of exactly your point . Funny thing is twice since I’ve originally posted this, in the same grocery store one day I saw two different women in the same visit with anklets which made me think if just wearing an anklet is just that damn popular.
I’m often on sensory overload when in the store because there are just so many hot ass women period.

And just a note. The first women I saw...she was alone at the time. No hubby around.