Should they even teach children how to fish and hunt? They be targeted for custom tackle/carpenter skill via spying and monkey warfare.

  • BeeG
  • 06-24-2022, 12:39 AM
Should they even teach children how to fish and hunt? They be targeted for custom tackle/carpenter skill via spying and monkey warfare.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I recommend Google translate & any type of spell check so we can better interact on your threads.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, at times I hope for the sake of some of these people that they simply had a few drinks too many and they are not just completely off their rocker... I'd certainly bet the latter over the former though if I was a betting man. Or probably Ripmany is just back. Haha
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
hello johnny

bye johnny
VitaMan's Avatar
It's just the same poster who comes back every few months using a different name, gets banned, and then does it again.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dah like a washing machine/dryer system
HedonistForever's Avatar
You've got to love a poster whose only purpose in life is to look stupid and get off on it.