Insurrection? Threat to Government?

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The events of 1-20-20; the invasion of the Capitol building by a few hundred activists who interrupted of the due process of government were wrong. They ruined the purpose of the genuinely peaceful protesters, the thousands of them assembled outside on the mall.

However, there are extremist liberal progressive legislators who have actually called for extended and nation-wide violence in the streets over the Supreme Courts latest rulings.

Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Speaker f The House Pelosi are also among those who advocate for attacks on the justices themselves. Rep Ocasio-Cortez and Rep Maxine Waters have both called for this. Rep Waters has called for the actual elimination of the high court.

This last is a direct attack on one of our co-equal branches of government that is no less serious than any of the rhetoric that inflamed those who entered the Capitol building on 1/20.
The American People are watching.

Come November, we an hope the vast majority will tell the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive Democrats……..”We have had enough of your bullshit”.