Rachelina's Avatar


Idiot Mayor and what YOU VOTED FOR...


winn dixie's Avatar


Idiot Mayor and what YOU VOTED FOR...


Originally Posted by Rachelina

The homeless camping under bridges are our greatest citizens.
Little Monster's Avatar
What does misleading billboards have to do with the hobby???
Rachelina's Avatar
The Police are not MISLEADING ....Just telling the truth...when one of your family members gets robbed hope that doesn't happen
( to take something from (someone) by unlawful force or threat of violence; steal from. to deprive (someone) of some right or something legally due:}
you won't call it misleading.

Get a clue..DEMO
Only City to warn you before you enter..that's honesty.
One positive of this is may be they will back off stings with no budget $$$
cinderbella's Avatar
The issue is that after 9/11, police departments across the country were given military grade surplus in response to concerns of similar attacks repeating. Prior to that, the 1970's and 1980's cocaine runners were getting so rich flooding the streets with addicting substances. Nixon and Reagan made fighting drug lords a priority. Reagan in particular defunded overnight the massive amounts of state housed mentally ill who were had no where to go when then Gov. Reagan's action created an instant entire throng of population who had nowhere else to go. That was noticed immediately by the citizens of California. In one swoop, we had Vietnamese "Boat People" refugees given the keys to the city in southern California while citizens who could not take care of themselves were cast out to rot. I'm old, yes so I remember.

I also remember before all this, how easy it was to get a government or job sponsored college education. A free Associates Degree at a community college, a four year degree in return for signing to agree to work for your employer paying for it a loyal employee for 20 years. Employers were all about keeping employees for 20 years, they were a lot more appreciative before the latter 1990's hit. The problem is that housing costs continued to escalate out of control and homelessness was getting bad. As much as Americans love to insist we are all responsible for ourselves, if you study history after the "New Deal" era, government has to step in and help financially. Once they do, it becomes difficult for people to adjust to no help. This pre late 1990's era was also a time when cops would offer all sorts of courtroom help to women arrested for prostitution. Government recognized the harsh stigma associated and the city level agencies really gave a lot of alternatives before charging someone with that type of offence. Btw, I held a legal job back then I just read a lot and learn a lot about a lot. The late 1990's was when the culture of greed started influencing who got help from the government and who did not.

As far as Austin goes, anytime you introduce a superior educational system and start graduating high echelon degrees, you attract wealthy elite types. This drives the price of real estate to unsustainable levels and attracts all their rich friends who then infiltrate the local government. People who are not rich can no longer afford to pay their rent. Rich elite do not want to pay higher taxes, so they demonize the poor. When government stops helping the poor, the poor breed like rats and commit a bunch of crime. When people who cannot afford it get help with housing and food and healthcare, they start taking their medication and they look for employment. When government takes too much of the pie away, their jobs do not pay enough to allow them to function and the cycle repeats.

I actually know quite a few loyal Trump supporters who believe that they personally should have Universal Basic Income, Student Loan Forgiveness, etc. They snatch up those employment benefits and get happy to get Medicare just like the rest of the population. They just happen to love Trump's personality and they believe ( falsely) that The Apprentice was somehow real ( it was not). Trump targeted his ideal voter, an older white male and research revealed this voter viewed illegal immigration as the greatest threat. Prior, in the Bush era it was Gay Marriage. So, between Steve Bannon, Steven Miller and Mick Mulvaney, they all encouraged Trump to pound out the illegal immigrant diatribe. Reagan probably viewed immigrants both legal and illegal a great tax paying base, so he gave amnesty and refuge to them. I think based on Trump's history in NYC, he was not a fan of the IRS.

With great educational institutions comes liberal ideology. This has been true everywhere in the world anywhere people have obtained high ranking degrees. Intelligent people question and they tend to be concerned about societal inequality. Some people do not trust anyone outside of their church and they will rebel and rage against educational institutions. They will not, however ever really reject any sort of government aide. Especially if they financially are lacking.

Police do not get paid a whole lot given the risk to their lives doing their jobs. They tend to be dedicated out of a moral mindset. They become hardened to the constant barrage of the most horrible of conditions they encounter ( just like hookers, hahaha). There has always been unrest between police and civilians, all over the world in every nation that has police. Conflict is natural and civilizations are always in a state of flux. Unfortunately the world still spins and we cannot remain the same as we have always been, change is the only constant. When people come together to embrace change, you see evolution.
Societies function best when they feel like their government will take care of the most vulnerable populations. They will scream "Socialism", but scream bloody murder when government takes it away.

I believe the real underlying problem is the issue of lobbying and how it has devolved from it's original constitutional intent into legalized bribery. Until we get rid of health care lobby that wants to use healthcare as a guise for protecting their investments and dividends, we will never have a functional healthcare system in place that works for people who are not wealthy elite or protected by Medicare. Investing opportunities have ground to a complete halt, so investors look to profit and that lobby has catered to their every whim. When people cannot afford their rent, they have no affordable access to any sort of healthcare and their government and police demonize them, you get a third world country type of atmosphere and a whole lot of rage on all sides.

The Vietnam war was fought mainly by men who were the poorest of the poor rural Americans. They had no way to avoid the draft. In Vietnam, they were given heroin and many died in the streets of overdose. When they came home, they could probably afford their rent but they brought drug addiction with them. This blossomed into the war on drugs, after drug testing active duty military aircraft crashes determined pilots were flying under the influence possibly. If you were poor in this era and not a veteran, but you were able to function physically and mentally, you could literally apply to your local city agencies to go to community college for free to get a better education and a better paying job. There was a huge recession in the 1970's but in most areas of the country homelessness was not much of an issue because rents were not so high.

A lot of systematic racism has occurred in the past due to the ability to rent and not rent. In Harlem, Jewish refugees in the WW2 era started buying up or renting cheap Harlem real estate. The Jewish immigrants raised the rent to unsustainable levels, so the native Black population started moving multiple people inside the apartments just to afford the rent. The Jewish population started degrading and profiling the very people who were renting their properties for doing this.

Checks and Balances, the founding fathers were no fools and they had escaped the tyranny of the Brits who insisted they be worshiped like Gods and nobody could own anything of their own. Ironically, if you go back and look at the most prosperous eras of history in the U.S., you will see that corporate tax rate was much higher than it is today. This is because by nature people and corporations have to be forced to pay taxes. When given the opportunity to take a tax break by investing more into employees and their job security, corporations take it and employees benefit. Taking away corporate tax responsibility in return for the promise or hope of benefiting employees NEVER HAPPENS. If you go to Dallas in the neighborhood of this cool vegetarian restaurant located in an old church, you will see several blocks of very old tiny little houses. This was the employee housing provided in the 1930's by an automobile manufacturer. The employer knew if they provided modest housing, their employee would not have to worry about their family while working a full shift away from home. I don't know if it was a tax write off at that point like it would have been in the 1950's, but still it was "help". Going back further thru history, in all civilizations there are always a segment of the population that cannot or will not provide a roof over their heads. "Poor Houses" have always been a contention. Successful asylums always utilize their patients to farm and provide the food for the premises. It is a myth that every person can take care of themselves and live independently. It is an issue as old as human history. Share cropping
was the only way the poor had before the 1950's and 60's to provide a roof over their head for themselves and their families.


Idiot Mayor and what YOU VOTED FOR...


Originally Posted by Rachelina
Since the biggest hit to the defunding was from 911 response centers, I'm taking it to mean that if I get accosted by, or get my home or vehicle broken into by some imported crackhead that I just shoot them and put them on the curb with the rest of the trash. It's now the sanitation dept's problem.
winn dixie's Avatar
Since the biggest hit to the defunding was from 911 response centers, I'm taking it to mean that if I get accosted by, or get my home or vehicle broken into by some imported crackhead that I just shoot them and put them on the curb with the rest of the trash. It's now the sanitation dept's problem. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
They have always been a sanitation problem anyways.
I think I've seen it all. A prostitute that's pro-cop. Seriously? Do you want to increase your risk of being busted for escorting? I will never understand why white supremacist bible-thumping conservatives willingly engage in sex work. Shouldn't you have a bible to read?
I think I've seen it all. A prostitute that's pro-cop. Seriously? Do you want to increase your risk of being busted for escorting? I will never understand why white supremacist bible-thumping conservatives willingly engage in sex work. Shouldn't you have a bible to read? Originally Posted by goobersnotch
You can never get everything you want. I vote Republican but am an atheist who disagrees with the evangelicals and the pro-life crowd. The right to bear arms, smaller federal government, less local social programs, halting foreign aid and keeping other countries at an arms distance are more important to me.
cinderbella's Avatar
double post
cinderbella's Avatar
I think I've seen it all. A prostitute that's pro-cop. Seriously? Do you want to increase your risk of being busted for escorting? I will never understand why white supremacist bible-thumping conservatives willingly engage in sex work. Shouldn't you have a bible to read? Originally Posted by goobersnotch

Not my fault your dad never loved you.
Keep banging out your rage on a hooker
board. It obviously is the only banging
you get to engage in without paying first.
Rachelina's Avatar
See you in CHURCH...LOL
Rachelina's Avatar
cinderbella's Avatar
I think you thought that my post ( that I just replaced with double post)
was meant for you. It was not, that insult was meant for Goobersnauch.
I was just trying to explain something complex. Now I have been called
a cop loving, white supremacist, bible thumper???

It's not even 9 fucking a.m.
With great educational institutions comes liberal ideology. This has been true everywhere in the world anywhere people have obtained high ranking degrees. Intelligent people question and they tend to be concerned about societal inequality. Some people do not trust anyone outside of their church and they will rebel and rage against educational institutions. They will not, however ever really reject any sort of government aide. Especially if they financially are lacking. Originally Posted by cinderbella
I agree with the first sentence, but liberals have stopped questioning their own institutions more and more the last 30 years and things have moved to an almost religious mentality that there are ideas and opinions that aren't allowed to be challenged. Things like the abolishment of voter ID laws assume that those in poverty aren't smart enough to figure out how to get valid ID despite such things being provided as a part of government assistance. It's a type of sheltered ignorance that is left untouched because it assumes that their intentions are good, despite bordering on racist.

For all the so-called "higher education" there's a tremendous lack of critical thinking and deduction. Most people I work with under the age of 30 don't generally have an original thought and have to be told what the answer or solution is, and it's noticeably worse with my coworkers in California and New York. This is extremely detrimental to creativity and the development of new processes, features, and ideas.

I've got a guy that's been in what is typically a stepping-stone position on my team for 9 years. He gets furious when other people get promoted past him, but he doesn't do anything to prove his value above what he currently does, yet he feels he deserves promotions just due to tenure and "loyalty to the company". No matter how much he wants the fairy tale to exist, life doesn't work that way.