Oh My

berryberry's Avatar
Yesterday the White House grounds had to be evacuated after they found a bag of ******** after Hunter Biden's visit

They want you to believe it was something else but you the story is out. Just can't discuss what it was here due to site rules

U.S. Secret Service Uniform Division Officers located an unknown item on the White House complex. As a precaution, the White House grounds were evacuated, and the DC Fire Departments Hazmat team responded.
berryberry's Avatar

The ******** substance was found in the White House residence’s library, according to the dispatch call.

Authorities are now trying to determine how the substance got into the White House after a Secret Service agent found the ******* during a routine sweep of the premises.

First son Hunter Biden, 53, was on the White House grounds Friday working on his laptop in the same room the ****** was found before heading off to Camp David with Senile Biden for the holiday weekend.

What a despicable criminal laden family.
Who are they kidding, they know how it got in
berryberry's Avatar
Merrick Garland and David Weiss are probably already trying to cover it up and punishing the poor whistleblower who found and reported it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Authorities are now trying to determine how the substance got into the White House after a Secret Service agent found the ******* during a routine sweep of the premises. Originally Posted by berryberry
After this, they’ll be looking into if water is wet.
berryberry's Avatar
Is it any surprise that the crime family who rigged an election brought a bag of ****** into the White House?
.... FACT remains - the **** was THERE.
And it IS a News Story.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
It is indeed Salty.

And just think about it, no Republican president could have someone pose topless on the White House lawn at an official event FOLLOWED BY ***** being found in the White House and not have the media just go absolutely bat shit insane.
... Now, now - I DO 'ave a question. For the FBI/DOJ.

... **** found inside the White House.
Aren't any CAMERAS there? ... Might just give a clue
as-to WHO brought the **** in.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
It is indeed Salty.

And just think about it, no Republican president could have someone pose topless on the White House lawn at an official event FOLLOWED BY ***** being found in the White House and not have the media just go absolutely bat shit insane. Originally Posted by berryberry
Was a more poignant claim when Meghan McCain made it 21 hrs ago in her retweet of herself, word for word, minus your asterisks. We using ChatGPT or just plagiarizing from Twitter these days and pretending they're our own words?
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden: “OK son, you are the smartest man I know and I got my corrupt DOJ to give you a sweetheart plea deal with the DOJ for all the crimes and bribes you helped me commit. All you have to do is not bring ****** into the White House”

Hunter: Hold my beer
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden refused to answer shouted questions about the **** found in the White House during an Oval Office event just now.

That's because most of America knows the culprit is a member of the Biden Crime Family
HDGristle's Avatar
You folks suspect. Believe it strongly. Logically speculate. But you don't know it.

You could be correct in your suspicions and speculation. Until sone key details are confirmed you still don't know it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The details will never be confirmed. They’re politicians, admitting they did something wrong is like holy water to a vampire. Blame, deny, obfuscate until the media drops it.
berryberry's Avatar
The details will never be confirmed. They’re politicians, admitting they did something wrong is like holy water to a vampire. Blame, deny, obfuscate until the media drops it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Agreed - they will cover it up for Senile Biden, delay, deny, maybe even convince some low level staffer to be a fall guy with the promise of a payoff and a cushy job with some DNC funded entity

Hell, law enforcement was quoted in a story today saying "White House **** culprit unlikely to be found"

Yeah, they really looked hard. How convenient. Everyone knows it belongs to a member of the Senile Biden Crime Family.

Hell look at two of the videos online (can't post due to site rules) of the Biden Crime Family at the White House on the 4th. Hunter is ****** up bigtime.

They can track down Trump supporters who farted within 50 yards of the Capitol on Jan. 6th but finding out who brought **** into the heavily surveilled White House and left it there is just too much to hope for? Unreal.
... It's like that Grand Australian parlour game - CLUE.

... First they found it in the West Wing library.
No, no.. "Really" found down below in the maintenance room.

Nope - still wrong ... "actually" found in a common area
where ANYBODY could've dropped it...

Security cameras are "Inconclusive"...

Next, they might wanna check the Lounge, the Kitchen, the Hall
and the Drawing room... Check the snooker table and bookshelves.

Bleedin' Three Ring Circus with the Biden family....

#### Salty