If you had to choose one provider as your wife, who would you choose?

Imagine you were given a choice to pick only ONE provider to be your wife, who would you pick.....I know, with all the wonderful ladies in Dallas, it is a hard choice, but who would you pick?

Gents: Only pick one....
Ladies: Remember you all are beautiful and wonderful one way or the other...

This is just for fun. It will be interesting.....

I will tell you my choice: Nicole Preston.....
steverino50's Avatar
Good choice. She can really cook!!! In more than one room in the house.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Can we keep the toilet seat up and control the remote? Now thats wife material.....
I would pick my lovely avatar, Delanie Smith.

Delanie, if you read this, will you marry me? Please!
Do they have to be current providers or providers you have seen before in a session. If yes than I would say Anneliese. If not then maybe also Rachel Lynn but I ust don't know.

It would have to be a polygamist marriage lmao....

There would be quite a few... and all I can say is

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFfb_CwBma0&feature=re lated"]YouTube- snoop dog ft pharell - beautiful[/ame]
gman44's Avatar
tough choice since I love them all
MacTheKnife's Avatar
Although she had to cancel on me with a valid reason on my last trip to Dallas, there is only one.

Bestman200600's Avatar
If your a mormon can you pick multiple wifes???????
Sorry, ONLY one.....Imagine that being a Mormon all providers were your wives and you had to pick the Best Wife, who would you pick.
Hercules's Avatar
Kristen from the Emperor's Club....bitch be rich now.
ferdburf's Avatar
I've decided to shortcut that marriage stuff so that I can do away with the nasty divorce routine. Next time I fall in love I'm just gonna go ahead and buy her a house and set her up with a 401(k) so that that part is done and over.
travelling_man's Avatar
To pick a face and body that I would have to wake up to every morning and never get tired of....I'd say Tara Evans.
Wordsmith's Avatar
That's way to easy. I'd select
daddyo67's Avatar
two weeks ago I was in Las Vegas with a lady and we drove by a place where you could get married at a drive in window or I think you could go inside and let Elvis marry you. I would have done either with this wonderful lady and would still marry her tomorrow.

that lady is Cassidy Blue!!!