Encounter: Beautiful redhead Elizabeth at Relax

Date: June 2018
Name: Elizabeth
Phone: N/A
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: http://www.relax2013ftw.com
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Central Dallas
Activities: LFK/DFK, MPCFS, CIM
Hair Length and Color: Beautiful long red! Real red!!
Age: 2x
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: She looks like a spitting image of this girl I saw on a TV series called Riverdale. Just look at her page over at Relax then look at this girl, Madelaine Petsch. Its her twin sister!
Recommendation: Yes
bmarty's Avatar
This may be a dumb question but I am a relax member. The old number doesn’t work so how do you schedule an apt?
They just told me today to use the old number?
How do I become a member?
TMNT LEO's Avatar
How do I become a member? Originally Posted by shawn6430
Read he fine print
https://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2363014&highl ight=