Prior to meeting them, like while sleeping?!
I did....🤤..I just woke up!
I'm still in shock 😆😀😂🤣😃😄😅😆
I'm not going to let him know it may scare him ..since it sounds almost like stalking..😉
In the dream...
We where in a private restroom at a Ricky Martin Concert ( I could hear the music in the background and I was jumping up to reach his cock in order to suck it.😀In the restroom while enjoying partying before having an
MFM with Ricky Martin.
Then I woke up.
Lol weird fucking shit ever to have a dream of a someone before I meet him.
Kinda my life😊
Just had to share and wondered if anyone has ever had a dream of a provider or hobbyist before you meet them?
I'm not mentioning this to him it might freak him out or something
And about 50% of the guys I meet send me photos so it's not like he will know this post is about him.
It must be my brain having stored images in my head that caused that interesting mental experience during REM..and sleeping.
Just WA-Eeeeard!
I don't even listen to Ricky Martin...😄😃
Whoaaaa....did I have my first wetdrean?!?
😀😆🤣🤣😃😄😅😀😃😄...damn ...that was good wine,😊