
I have had several Ladies tell me that they have reviews on ECCIE. I have entered their info in the provider seach, and have not been able to locate them. What/how can I find the info?
There are multiple search options. One is to search by her handle here if you know the EXACT spelling. Also, if searching in the search by member name box, if you start typing her handle, all names tha start with what you've typed will begin to populate automatically, allowing you to select who you are looking for.

The other is to go to the general search area, and use the last 4 digits of her phone number (assuming you have it) and use that as your search criteria, and that should return any threads/posts that contain that phone number.

Learning to use the various search tools on eccie can take a little getting used to. Note that the a minimum of 4 spaces must be used in the general search criteria to return any results.
Jannisary's Avatar
The easiest and quickest way to locate reviews is to use the power of Google. Do a Google search on the provider's phone number. Then do another Google search on her email address and finally do a search using her work name. Use multiple tabs so everything is right there at the same time. If you are using Firefox or Chrome its as easy as highlighting the term your searching, right clicking and then selecting "Search Google" from the menu. ECCIE is doing a good enough job with SEO that any reviews or posts containing the email or phone number will probably show up on the first page of the search results. Plus you'll probably find other info out there on the provider besides what's on ECCIE.

If you want to limit the search to ECCIE specifically you can use a "search operator" term. Example, if I wanted to see all the times that mostlynormalstl has been indexed by Google for ECCIE, I can type the following into Google.


This will work to bring up any of the publicly available posts or reviews. Google can't index premium content so you'd have to use the internal site feature for that.