Ashden Love........ Im Retiring Very Very Soon!!!!!

Dear Houston (and the rest of eccie),

Before I start this thread i would like to thank everyone who has posted my awesome reviews, the gentlemen i have come to know and, and the great times i had with some of you.... THANK YOU!!!!!!

Now.... as some of you know i have been on here for over a year. I have had negatives and positives through this experience.... and still kept my head up, but unfortunately i have some bad news......IM RETIRING FROM ECCIE and possibly the entire hobby (depending on how i can adjust to a normal lifestyle) very very soon!!!!!!

Knowing the information that has been posted on a lovely website (sarcastic) that shows bcd/and everything else very dissappointed on comments and threads that surround me. I trusted some of the people that had written comments (that btw are a load of b.s.). So when you trust someone to a certain degree and that trust is broken and the betrayel is in your face.... its very unnerving about what the outcome is going to be if you "say the wrong thing" to the wrong person.

This is not the only reason ladies and gentlemen.... Ashden Love (name, reputation, etc...) is burned out!!!

I will tell you that I will only be on here for one more month (maximum) and my normal rates will stay the same (view my profile). I will let you know a week beforehand what day ill retire from eccie.

This thread is not an "angry thread" directed towards certain individuals. This thread is for information purposes only and is not intended to create drama/b.s./ problems. So please dont take it as a negative response to peoples opinions / false reailties.

But with that... I have had an amazing time here and will continue to do so (with a positive attitude) until the day i delete my profile/showcaes.

But with all this said.... lets continue having fun and enjoying the hobby!!!

Yours Truely,

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Knowing the information that has been posted on a lovely website (sarcastic) that shows bcd/and everything else very dissappointed on comments and threads that surround me. I trusted some of the people that had written comments (that btw are a load of b.s.). So when you trust someone to a certain degree and that trust is broken and the betrayel is in your face.... its very unnerving about what the outcome is going to be if you "say the wrong thing" to the wrong person.
Originally Posted by Sexy Ashden
Very well said.

I too have experienced the same thing and more around here. One of the worst was when about a year ago I started getting PM’s from providers saying guys on the board, whom I always thought I was in their good graces, were contacting new girls and saying to avoid me & that I want to scare them out of the business. When in reality I was informing them about a guy who was raping providers and he targeted newbie’s and visitors. What assholes these guys are. I’m trying to do good for some one and they are starting all the drama they claim to hate. Spreading straight lies.

I thought about leaving, however then decided that there are still far more good then bad guys posting and of course everyday new members are joining. I have grown to like many members who joined within this past year that if I would of left Eccie, I would of never even met.
But leaving is not the answer if you are still going to stay in the industry. If you are going to stay in the industry just get thicker skin and remember you are a business, you are putting yourself out there, not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. Some people are going to be down right cruel and some will even go as far as to lie ... You just have to say to yourself ... screw them, I know who I really am and that is all that matters ... The best thing to do is not to even allow yourself to read the negative things people say about you.
Best of luck to you either way.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
If you look for mud ashden you'll find it. The ladies that don't let it bother them are the ones that don't care what is said and just keep doing what they do best.

Either way I wish you the best.
stonetammy's Avatar
good luck ashden, brook I think ur a cool chick. Love cd
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 08-09-2011, 07:16 AM
Ashden, it's your decision. But, we will miss you around here and I agree, you shouldn't let a few guys influence what you decide to do.
ZedX79's Avatar
Bye...don't let the door hit you on the way out.
dearhunter's Avatar
What is the over/under?
I don't blame you. This is a tough line of work for sure. Take care!
Wakeup's Avatar
Over/under is 11 weeks from the posted date of retirement when she gets around to it...

The money line on her coming back as a new handle is -380...
Waldo666's Avatar
Dear Houston (and the rest of eccie), IM RETIRING FROM ECCIE

This is not the only reason ladies and gentlemen.... Ashden Love (name, reputation, etc...) is burned out!!!
Originally Posted by Sexy Ashden
Make sure to book quickly guys. Everyone wants to see an overbooked self proclaimed burn out before they "pretend" to retire from a message board.
lol you all are hilarious but im quiting the industry all together..... brooke: i commend you on your desicions and opinions i agree with you. MY PROPS..... however its time for me to quit for awhile and focus on other things in life
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
I don't understand or see the reason ladies post a "Retirement Thread"... I have been on this board long enough to see MANY ladies "retire" and do just as Wakeup predicts... come back and with a new handle.
There are going to be negative things said at some point in time about everyone one here. Why leave? Why not shrug it off? Or better yet... If you are going to get out for a while... why not just Take the High Road out of town for a bit instead of Going Down in a Blaze? Take a break... don't run your ads, don't be a post whore, don't get into thread confrontations and draw a lot of attention to yourself, turn your phone off and just reply to the ones that contact you..let them know you are unavailable... You will save yourself a lot of ridicule, embarrassment, and might afford you a little credability.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
^ that's good advice
daty/o's Avatar
Ash, just come back to Dallas, baby.
  • romab
  • 08-09-2011, 12:29 PM
I'm with you Abigail. Good advice. My Dad used to say; don't listen to the one flapping his lips about what he's going to do; watch the one not talking and getting it done.

Got to admit a really strange advertising pitch: Come give your hard earned money to me cause I'm burned out, don't give a shit, but need a little more cash before I leave.

All for her doing whats best for her, just leave the us out of her equation.

Wakeup I'm going for 9wks after "official" last day (days,months....) R