
Texanfan-you don't know me and you have no right to lie about me. Why don't you be a man and say something in the coed discussion? No like a punk you hop on my review and claim that I obsess with everyone I fuck and blow up their phone. How dare you.

You don't have any family and friends that love you? When you are not at work the only thing left is to hop on a review board and trash someone you don't even know. Don't worry I have not interest in seeing you either.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-19-2012, 10:59 PM
I don't know, I ain't ever wanted to meet you but you send me nutty shit. Five mins ago more nutty shit was sent by you.
I don't know, I ain't ever wanted to meet you but you send me nutty shit. Five mins ago more nutty shit was sent by you. Originally Posted by trey
Must be love......
Wakeup's Avatar
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 10-20-2012, 12:58 AM
I don't know, I ain't ever wanted to meet you but you send me nutty shit. Five mins ago more nutty shit was sent by you. Originally Posted by trey
Well trey, I guess your now an official "caveman" lmao..
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Well trey, I guess your now an official "caveman" lmao.. Originally Posted by seedman55
I think there is only one way to gain memebership in the official caveman club.
Trey, if I send you a pm it is because you purposely go out of your way to antagonize me. Just leave me alone Trey. Why get on my review to make an ignorant comment? If you don't want to see me then don't. If you don't like me then leave me alone.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-20-2012, 07:08 PM
I think I'm good for now the way it is I just know you'll send me more crazy old lady with bad Photoshop messages.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
^^^^^ funny
Surprise butt sex?
Trey-I have never sent you any photos. I have only sent you pms to leave me alone. I will say it again on coed, TREY LEAVE ME ALONE.

I have contacted the mods to tell you to leave me alone but I guess they think this is funny too.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
There is an ignore function
Eccie Addict- Yes I am fully aware of the ignore button. I am not stupid.

I want Trey to stop cyber stalking me every time I post and every time I get a review. Trey makes me sick to my stomach with his nonsense and I want it to stop now.

Trey probably has a rape fetish too since he is bad about understanding the words, "no" or "leave me alone".