For all the fans of DATY & BBBJ this should inform you more about such activitiesWith a bunch of individuals.
I guess you are also going to post something about how some women in the business are trafficked...
LexusLover's Avatar
Just follow the "left-overs" policy ...

.. when you open it up, if it stinks, don't eat it.
So you are aware that condoms only reduce the risk , not eliminate them ? And that Herpes and HPV are transmitted even while using condoms ? Oh well , back to hiding from the world in my cave !
Augustball's Avatar
hmm.....a dental dam. seems awkward. anyone tried it?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-20-2012, 09:14 AM
Just go for cbj and no daty
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Just go for cbj and no daty Originally Posted by trey
That won't suffice. Clearly the OP is worried about YOU, Trey. And me, too.
Fathom that.

Maybe he oughta look into treatment for his own enuresis problem.

Or start attending Bedwetters' Anonymous meetings, hug a bunch of other busybodies.
Mojojo's Avatar
I'm wondering what number post will be the "I found Jesus" message?

69? Originally Posted by Glynette

Probably 77 because you get eight more.
I actually was just putting some helpful information out there,because a lot of people assume that things can't be transmitted thru oral sex. I wouldn't expect anyone to take it seriously or respectfully because you know that all the ladies you've seen are clean and vice versa............because nobody could possibly partake in risky behavior in or out of the hobby ohhhhh that's just not possible..........yea thats never happened. This is why I don't post here often because everybody decides to come with their condescending remarks and attitudes. I originally just put it out for people to be the could make the choice if the risk out weighed the reward......some people have life's and wife's outside of this hobby
gearslut's Avatar
It's really nice that you spent your time and effort doing this but if you want a better response try posting a review. Otherwise it's like walking into a bar and talking about how many people get in car wrecks from drinking and driving. Most of us probably did our homework a long time ago or have read posts like this a million times already. We're all not really a bunch of uninformed dumbasses.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
See! Busybody. Assumes the possession of special information unknown to mere mortals.

In his 1988 book, Innumeracy, the mathematician John Allen Paulos demonstrated the condom-buying car ride to be significantly riskier than barebacking streetwalkers...but of course that was for HIV-AIDS only.

How about the risk of an adulterer's wife shooting him in the head? We gonna fret about that too?
Honestly, who assumes that? Those are the same people who think just because they have on their blinker they don't have to look before merging. Accidents happen. You can post till your fingers go numb, people will always take the risk if that is what they want to do. It's only helpful information if it isn't already well known. If nonsensical comments push your buttons that much, I'd hate to see how you react when someone is actually out to hurt your feelings.
Sorry don and gear beat me to it. Disregard and carry on.