Robert Deniro Said it Best...

One reason why some guys with families are in the hobby:

Movie: Analyze This...
  • Dr. Ben Sobel: What happened with your wife last night?
  • Boss Paul Vitti: I wasn't with my wife, I was with my girlfriend.
  • Dr. Ben Sobel: Are you having marriage problems?
  • Boss Paul Vitti: No.
  • Dr. Ben Sobel: Then why do you have a girlfriend?
  • Boss Paul Vitti: What, are you gonna start moralizing on me?
  • Dr. Ben Sobel: No, I'm not, I'm just trying to understand, why do you have a girlfriend?
  • Boss Paul Vitti: I do things with her I can't do with my wife.
  • Dr. Ben Sobel: Why can't you do them with your wife?
  • Boss Paul Vitti: Hey, that's the mouth she kisses my kids goodnight with! What are you, crazy?
I totally agree, last thing i want to see is my future wife kissing my kids after I CIM or have them kiss her after I COF. Its a moral thing
But your kids came from where she is sucking ... lol
Lol, its fine before they are born, but afterwards its just nasty.
Augustball's Avatar
rofl!!! too good...too too good! thanks for the laugh aavalos
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Now that was funny...Lol : )