Pet Peeve's

shorty's Avatar
What are some of your Pet Peeve's as a Hobbyist/Provider?

Mine is cell phone's going off or checking them during the session. I can normally deal with everything else, but cell phone's need to be on silent mode when in session. I really hate it when the provider uses it as a alarm clock to warn her of the time that's left. If your that worried about time, then wear a watch if it's a outcall or bring a clock with you if your doing a incall.
London Rayne's Avatar
Too darn many to list, but most occur long before the guy is ever accepted as a date lol.

1. Asking stupid questions that have already been answered a billion times. What are your rates? Are you in town? When will you be back in town? This is probably my number one annoyance that I have to deal with on a daily basis. I have no clue when or where I will be 3 months from now and even if I told a guy an exact date, I can almost guarantee that day he would be out of town, have no money, or have other plans that prevented him from seeing me...this question is worthless without a deposit behind it.

2. Constantly emailing for a free chat/cyber sex buddy and never booking an appt. I am not here to chat or IM...I am here to provide a service for you when you decide what and when you need from me lol. This does not include guys who are a thousand miles away who just drop me a line mind you. I am talking about guys who illude to an exact day and time, but want to cyber stalk you for a month prior.

3. Telling me your entire life story including education, marital status, how many kids you have, yet never including ANY valuable information that is required for a meeting in the first place. Yes I want to know about you, but AFTER I have determined whether you are full of crap or not lol.

4. Emailing for a date within the next 3 or 4 hours and taking 2 hours to respond again...sorry I am either booked or not interested now lol. I find it so funny that guys complain about not getting a return email from the providers they contact, when I have experienced just the opposite. I am lightning fast when you contact me via email, and it takes a day for a guy to reply again with refs. I understand this could be due to not being able to get access, but wait until you can to email me in the first place.

5. Asking if I offer half hours when if I did it would be AN OPTION to begin with!

6. Showing up knowing it was 9 hours since your last shower and not bothering to even do a quick clean up...see ya!

7. Asking for GFE to get the cheaper rate and acting nothing like a BFE in return...i.e. no foreplay, just straight up service from me to you. This is totally fine mind you, but it is NOT GFE, it's PSE!!

Whew now I feel better!!
shorty's Avatar
Damn London!! Looks like you where looking for somewhere to vent.
London Rayne's Avatar
Thanks for giving me the perfect thread to do so lol. Love ya shorty!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
My main one which doesnt happen to often is making trying to obtain ref's the eqivalent to pulling teeth over it after a few times back and forth with it.

side note.... im surprised that's all London put, there's gotta be more,just give her a few to think about it lol
shorty's Avatar
We'll have to meet sometime when your back in the area. Currently snowed in and trying to get home from FL.
JoanJet's Avatar
Now Show's
shorty's Avatar
Lets not stirr the pot anymore for London. She's already on a roll with National Board and venting on TN board for ads. Looks like someone forgot to take there chill pill this afternoon.
London Rayne's Avatar
My Aunt is in town remember?? Need I say more he he!
shorty's Avatar
Hope she's leaving soon!!
Pet peeves


No call-show

DallasRain's Avatar
guys who "beg" you to come to their city,then don't set an appt or cancel at last minute!!!!!!

{it costs alot to travel and stay at a nice upscale hotel}


Girls who don't get back to you when you need a reference!!!
I just love when it have to tickle out screening information of gents :-).

and mails with the intent of African check cash scams - hurray :-)
Cpalmson's Avatar
Lack of truth in advertising (i.e. certain services suddenly unavailable or pics not accurate)
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not knowing what's in their ad...lmao

Seriously though, I can deal with most anything except misleading pictures such as older ones.

And being sweaty when I first arrive. That's a real turn off.

Also if I confirm an hour before the time set up, then I tend to be annoyed if they don't answer the phone when I'm coming up to the exit they tell me to take. Surely they know I have no clue where the hell to go lol.