What would you do?

BabyDallass's Avatar
What would you do if somebody posted a BAD fake reveiw on you, and the MODS will not take it down or beleive you.? .? I have facts and know the reveiw is fake, So why should it be able to stay on my reveiws?

It`s really frustrating when you know the truth, But nobody will beleive you...I have been active and Im known on the boards, yet this person still had yet to respond and has been a member since Jan 2010 With not one single post, except this one...? I have PMED this unknown person about this and still have yet to get one PM back.

I want to know what yall think, and what is the best way to handle this situation?

Any comments on this are GREATLY appreciated!!

DrHouse's Avatar
I doubt I'm alone in saying that an overall positive reputation trumps a lone negative review...regardless of its legitimacy. Your overall track record is what most gentlemen (at least this one) respond to most. Therefore, when it's all said and done, you should be fine.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I understand that and Im not worried about it, If it was a real reveiw I would not mind taking it. Its a fake, That is my issue with it...
So your saying the meeting never took place or the events in the review did not take place the way discribed?
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
Clicking on your "Reviews" link, I see nothing but two pages of yes recommendations. Perhaps you didn't give the ECCIE staff enough time to get to the bottom of the issue and then take action, because it sure looks like it has been removed.

Maybe you should drop the drama that you started in Arkansas, and attempted to export to this region?

In the end all the flaming posts between you and Ali is going to hurt your business way more than that questionable review that now appears to be gone anyway.
BabyDallass's Avatar
So your saying the meeting never took place or the events in the review did not take place the way discribed? Originally Posted by Bubba3452

The meeting never took place becasue I was not even in that town or near. Which it says It was incall....negative...I have not had an incall in over 2 weeks..
I just want to know when you are comin to dallas

I don't trust reviews good or bad. YMWV
pyramider's Avatar
The unprofessionalism of fakes reviews are disgusting. In this case the fake reviewer cannot get the city, and incall/outcall correct . . . Geez, if one is to go to the trouble to write a fake review at least get the facts straight.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
This is a direct quote from the Forum Guidelines at the top of the page.

"#24 - Disputed reviews will not be removed by staff unless the request is made by the thread starter. In situations such as this, the proper protocol for addressing a review in question is to post a rebuttal to the review in that city forum's coed discussions area. Staff will be happy to do some basic investigation to confirm the validity of such reviews, however removal will only take place when requested by the thread-starter or in extreme cases where it has been proven false, there is an admission by the reviewer that the review is indeed false, or the reviewer failed to cooperate with staff's efforts to confirm validity. In cases where a reviewer is found to have posted a review of a session which did not take place, or posted blatantly false information within a review, the reviewer will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of staff, which could lead to loss of posting privileges. Along those same lines, if the reviewed party is found to be making false or inaccurate claims to staff in an attempt to trigger staff action against a reviewer or the removal of a review, that party will also be subject to consequences, up to or including temporary or permanent loss of account access. These measures exist to preserve the integrity of the information posted in our review forums, and will be taken when these circumstances exist."
What would you do if somebody posted a BAD fake reveiw on you, and the MODS will not take it down or beleive you.? .? I have facts and know the reveiw is fake, So why should it be able to stay on my reveiws?

It`s really frustrating when you know the truth, But nobody will beleive you...I have been active and Im known on the boards, yet this person still had yet to respond and has been a member since Jan 2010 With not one single post, except this one...? I have PMED this unknown person about this and still have yet to get one PM back.

I want to know what yall think, and what is the best way to handle this situation?

Any comments on this are GREATLY appreciated!!

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=222384 Originally Posted by BabyDallas
I am in just opposite corner you are, I write reviews and some, not all, of the guys THINK they are fake, and they have no proof the reviews are fake as you say you do on the review this guy wrote, but anyway, mods refusing to help is not surprising, as the they have to appear to be unbiased, and they have a "guideline" to follow. I have to mirror DrHouse that one negative review, be it fake or real, compared to the multiple positive reviews you have is not going to effect you in the least.

It is stated in forum rule #24 that they will help, but it is a shame that you say you have proof that the review is fake and no one wants to listen or acknowledge that. The review is still in the Indy review forum in Arkansas, but it is not in your review history. It should be removed all-together if your "proof" is found legit by the staff here.
BabyDallass's Avatar
The mods have not done anything about it, yet barely attempted to find out any real legit personal infromation from this poster..He cant say how screening was done, what hotel that he seen me at , NOTHING, no legit statements have been made. I did not start this thread to start drama, just to find out what I need to do about this situation. Its a serious act, What if it is le? I dont want someone claiming them have seen me and have not, Why would anyone just like they say " let it go" NO! They would be acting the same way if their bad fake reveiw was still up getting new veiws by the hour, and nobody will do anything because lack of proof? Any other time when my real clients have posted a good reveiw about me the mod will hound them and ask 101 questions about how was screening done, and for more details, yet with his case it is swept under the rug and im told to move to and let it go! No, thanks, I will let it Go when its off and the real problem is taken care of. It sad my say has no value, yet this secret non poster first and only post has more value than what I say...They will trust a stranger over a well known and respected provider on their board....
BabyDallass's Avatar
Clicking on your "Reviews" link, I see nothing but two pages of yes recommendations. Perhaps you didn't give the ECCIE staff enough time to get to the bottom of the issue and then take action, because it sure looks like it has been removed.

Maybe you should drop the drama that you started in Arkansas, and attempted to export to this region?

In the end all the flaming posts between you and Ali is going to hurt your business way more than that questionable review that now appears to be gone anyway. Originally Posted by Wetwork Daddy

Tell this to the other name you mentioned...If you all only knew HALF of what I knew! I never started the drama in ar, once again, get your facts straight...and no the review is still up...check again.

I cant stand the ones who boast about what to do, and they only know bits and peices of the situation, get boths sides before you start picking them.

I know your friends with all of them so I dont expect you to understand, just like the little chimes you made in the last thread.

Respect it and take it for what it is, its a fake and I want to know OTHER peoples thoughts on how to handle it and all the drama Im going through behind it, just because im pointing out a fake and standing by what I know is right and real.
You need to contact the mods for your area with the infromation you have. If they cannot come to a resolution, then contact an administrator or one of the owners for more help. We mods do care. We also have to be carefull to have good gounds before labeling a review fake and taking action against the poster. It does happen as bigdog can tell you but its hard if its a he said/she said issue. But there are things we can try to valiadate a review is fake or not.
BabyDallass's Avatar
You need to contact the mods for your area with the infromation you have. If they cannot come to a resolution, then contact an administrator or one of the owners for more help. We mods do care. We also have to be carefull to have good gounds before labeling a review fake and taking action against the poster. It does happen as bigdog can tell you but its hard if its a he said/she said issue. But there are things we can try to valiadate a review is fake or not. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Thanks, that helped alot. What would be somethings that could help prove if it is real or fake? The funny this is that this person has yet said anything. And I feel wont, because he cant.
I'll leave that to the mod that trys to help you. Dont want to give out any secrects or tricks of the trade. :-) And nothing is fool proof. If it ends up that it cannot be decided with some level of certianty, the review may end up being left in place. Just want to set your level of expectations