Candid discussion on rates

Cpalmson's Avatar
I hope most here (guys and gals) are mature enough to candidly discuss the issue of rates without digressing to passive aggressive name-calling or actions. Obviously, this is a sensitive issue for both sides of the equation. I think we can all benefit if we all look at things rationally and from the eyes of the other party.

First, I think we all agree that the ladies have the right to set their rates as they see fit. Us guys then have to determine whether or not we are willing to pay those rates. Now, under certain circumstances, "negotiating" might be acceptable (i.e. girl known for offering specials and some type of on-going regular client status); however, we guys have no business demanding a girl lower her rates.

Second, everyone needs to understand this market. I think a lot of ladies do not know this market and do not know how to set their rates to reflect this market. At the same time, guys need to realize there is a reason for girls to have higher rates than what we might expect in say a location like Montgomery or Dothan.

Here's the Panhandle market as I see it. I've been hobbying here for over 6 years or so and have a good feel for this market. First, in my opinion, this market is probably over-priced by about 10% when compared to markets like Montgomery or Dothan. I think this is due to the fact we have a lot of tourists with extra $$$ to spend while here on vacation. This tends to stimulate this market. As guys, we need to realize this. Us locals are competing with Dr. So and So from Atlanta who brings his 6-figure salary with him to the beach while on vacation. Now, the ladies also need to realize that average Joe Six Pack who lives here 365 days/yr only makes maybe $40-50K/year and needs to be more selective and economical in his choice of provider.

Another thing I've noticed in this market is that providers are very transient. Here one day and gone the next. We also get touring ladies who come here-- probably to cater to the tourists. This tends to skew rates as well. We don't have enough local ladies who are consistent in the area with rate structures that support both the realities of the local guys vs the big wallet tourists. Now, I'm not saying ladies should set rates to attract the local guys, but I will say that I think more guys would play if they could afford it.

This brings me to my next point, where people hook up. There's ECCIE. There's P411. There's BP. And, there's a growing "gray" market of UTRs/Facebook girls that operate outside the normal ways of connecting with potential clients. All of these contribute to a wide variance in rates and the expectations of clients (especially local clients).

Let's start with Backpage. It seems to be very prevalent over in Pensacola and to somewhat of a lesser degree in Panama City Beach. I liken BP to being the digital version of streetwalking. I'm not knocking girls who use this method to reach their clients. All I'm saying is that BP is kinda like the lowest common denominator when facilitating meet ups. Yes, I know there are lots of girls who use BP as one of many platforms. I laud that; however, that might be 20% of the BP crowd. The rest of BP is dominated by girls offering QV, hhr, and full hr dates at what could be considered low rates. This attracts the worst of the worst when it comes to clients. For girls who are being managed, they don't know any better. For some girls, they don't care as a John is a John. On the other hand, there are girls on BP who want to weed out the bad clients by joining sites like ECCIE, P411 and the like. I've tried to help a dozen or so girls. Most fail b/c they don't realize how to capitalize on ECCIE or they figure that b/c it is more classy site, they raise their rates. When it comes to BP and girls on BP, there is a certain expectation on rates, and for the most part, the clients who use BP are the clients with a limited budget.

I've also noticed the growing gray market of girls who are UTR and/or use Facebook to find clients. Many times, these are girls that guys seek out. They maybe single moms who need some cash to feed/cloth their kids. One guy finds out about this, proposes a financial solution, and asks if she would be interested in seeing some of this guys friends. Sometimes the girl does agree, and we have word of mouth recommendations going around. Mind you, these are girls who would never under any circumstances seek out to be a provider on their own. They just "stumble" into it, enjoy it and make some extra $$$. I can tell you the girls that come into the hobby this way have no idea on rates and will take what a guy will give them. Most guys are generous and don't take advantage of the girl. The girl is given a reasonable donation and not insulting. Another bonus from this type of relationship is that there is not the same level of BS when it comes to clock watching or activities. It is a much more relaxed situation which works for both guys and gals. Seeing a lady at 200-250 with no clock can be quiet enticing to a guy. Again, these are for the most part local guys who are setting the rate, and we tend to want these kind of rates from all providers. Girls need to realize this is out there in order to compete with it. Guys need to realize these are unique hook-ups and not reflective of the regular rates in the hobby.

When it comes to touring ladies, they do generate a lot of interest, but they are the ones who really don't know the dynamics of this market. It is probably bad form for a guy's first response to be "your need to lower your rates. Come on. She's not a local. She doesn't know the market. She may also already have clients she knows will pay the rates when she comes. A more nuanced approach would be to explain why her rates won't work for you, ask if she has a special, and if not, wish her the best on her visit. To the touring ladies, all I would ask is that you do realize this market operates on two spectrums and to expect a guy to express concern over your rates.

In the end, I don't think anyone is trying to put a provider into poverty. I think this market maybe one of the most challenging for both guys and gals. Guys are going to try and get it at the cheapest price point. Gals are going to try and maximize profits. It has been this way all along. I think all parties need to find their niche and what they are most comfortable with. For some guys, that may mean seeing BP girls. For other guys, it may mean biting the bullet and paying a higher rate for the experience you desire. For some girls, they need to understand guys are coming from the BP market and are expecting BP rates. Bottom line, we should respect each other and not resort to childish behavior or tit for tat actions.
Great discussion Cpal. Now one marketing idea is a buy 5 dates get your 6th for free. Just joking or not
Sex and Business. The more we focus on one, the more the other suffers.
I agree with most of what you say about the area. One of the challenges in the panhandle is a lack of competition. There is a handful of ladies that are hot, stable and verified safe and then there are a bunch of "others" that you may know very little (or nothing) about. The handful of good ones can charge 300+ because many guys aren't willing to risk getting busted or beaten up by taking a chance on some BP girl. The handful has the market cornered and really don't have to do a whole lot to keep asking 300+. Don't get me wrong, many of them will give you top-notch performance because that's just the way they are, but don't really have to due to lack of competition.
Take a look at Tampa, Atlanta, Phoenix etc. There are 100's of girls that are in that category, if one doesn't perform, word gets out and there a bunch more to take her place. Lack of competition and choice drives the market around here.
What we need to do as hobbyist is pool our money together and bring a bus load of hookers from Dallas or Houston that will saturate our market and get the price point down to below 2 bills per hour.
Another thing is there are some "morons" telling providers that they should raise there rates. If she's happy providing for 150...don't tell her she's charging too low....idiot! I'm talking about great providers too.
I agree with the post but this is a business and the lady's will charge what they think they are worth and guys will always ask for a discount. I only ask for a discount after I see her a couple of times now that's if I like her sevice but that's just so I can see her more often. Some say yes some say no but if they say yes then I will be able to see her every week then every other week or less. There's a handful of providers here that are worth $$$.
44formore's Avatar
laloverboy Hit the nail on the head. There are some good finds in the panhandle area but once some idiot falls in lust for them, they spill the beans about rates and even get them started on here (ECCIE) or SA. Some guys just can't keep it together.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I don't have a problem with girls coming to ECCIE if they are wanting to escape the clients they are attracting on BP. When I say that, I mean the BP crowd of ladies who are already somewhat savvy in THIS business not the UTR ladies who are clueless as to what is out there.

laloverboy Hit the nail on the head. There are some good finds in the panhandle area but once some idiot falls in lust for them, they spill the beans about rates and even get them started on here (ECCIE) or SA. Some guys just can't keep it together. Originally Posted by 44formore
What we need to do as hobbyist is pool our money together and bring a bus load of hookers from Dallas or Houston that will saturate our market and get the price point down to below 2 bills per hour. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Let me know if you need a driver.
I wanna be bus monitor.....
Magically Delicious's Avatar
I came here from BP after a gent told me about this site and he also told me I wasn't charging enough. He has become a regular. I wouldn't call him a "moron or idiot" because he told me I should raise my fees, I would call him respectful of my worth! Some providers don't know the market here and that is why it is nice to have gents respectfully let them know. It goes both ways. Men have no problem stating when a fee is too high but not respect her enough to let her know her fee is too low. I am thankful to the man that helped me and I'm doing fine. Then again, my fee is reasonable but I'm not a spinner however noone has ever left disappointed!
DallasRain's Avatar
I feel tha my rates are lower than they should be for my wide open menu////BUT I am comfortable with them.....I know alot of gals who cahrage "more than they should for what they offer",and thats their perogitive.A guy will choose to pay what he wants to pay.If he is unhappy he wont go back...if he is happy,he will be a regular!
Dick BadCock's Avatar
Holy crap. Who would have thought I would agree with...well you know...seriously guys. You all need to get out and travel. Rates here are to high? I travel all around the south and I can tell you they are actually at the average or under. Not only that but there is a choice here like no where else. Those other upmarket towns that you mentioned, there is no choice. You are paying 300 hr. That is it. That is the entry fee for a girl in Atlanta that is not from BP. You can get cheaper on BP but then you are taking a chance.

I am from south Alabama, I used to live and work down here and still love it. It is a short drive for me to come down here see some friends and bang a girl or two. So I keep up with the area even when I am no where nearby. There are a few girls in the $300 range and then you get down to the $150 range.

If you can't afford $150 for a reasonably decent girl Then get another hobby. Or get out there and collect more aluminum cans... PS I collected a couple miles of HWY 98 this afternoon so look elsewhere.

If a girls prices are to high move along. They will either figure it out or they wont.

So as a part time outside I have to say, honestly you guys have it right where it should be. You have a pretty good thing. I would like to see more of a quantity of girls. Because when it comes to price there is a good choice but for quality and looks I think it goes down from there.
I would like to see more curvy girls down here, but I digress.

Most of the guys are going to hate me now, but that's cool. I seriously encourage you to look at the other areas that you mentioned and why the prices are what they are. Montgomery and Dothan were mentioned. Why are they cheap? Because the girls are missing their teeth and live in single wides. Why are Dallas prices so low? Because there are probably 45.000 escorts in that damned city.

As for the Dallas bang Bus, I would be very happy to collect some more cans for that effort. Can we please just get some with decent sized tits?
As for the Dallas bang Bus, I would be very happy to collect some more cans for that effort. Can we please just get some with decent sized tits?

Dully noted DBC. I have seriously been trying to get some girls from TX to come visit our beautiful beaches but most just tease me and say they would love to come. I think they just need more then one person telling them. If we seriously want more variety of providers in our area. The ones that come thru need to know this is a nice place to visit so they return and tell their friends.