Is Backpage Really Worth it?

This goes both ways...


How many alerts, cash n dash, false ads, girl was not the one in the pics, not gfe, sting ops, etc have we seen? Wouldnt it be better just to tell them to become verified, put up a showcase, and live to see another day and not be out a hundred to two bills or worse? They are going to charge more later anyways. Does anyone really need to TOFTT with today's technology?

Can say what you want about finding new talent, but you don't have to risk seeing them to guide them the right way.


You have a better insight than myself. But I am sure ladies here and who have a steady business have a good idea can say it's not. I know that much. Please weigh in.

I just see p411, Eros, TER, and here much safer and better marketing why bother with BP? Is a quicker buck really a better one?

In my own personal opinion, backpage is a waste. Time is a commodity no one will gain back. Ever.

BigGuy13's Avatar
It took me a long time to find ECCIE. BP scared me, but led me to AMP's. AMP's led me to AAMP's which SA doesn't have. Searching for AAMP's led me to TER, and that led me here.

Only ever called on a couple BP girls after I had learned the ropes here. I still look there, but I'd rather call a lady from here than take the risk on BP.

That said, I am heading to an AMP today to check out a traveling model. Or Pinky. Haven't decided yet.
SimpsonGuy's Avatar
It may sound no sense, but i think it is worth, sometimes that adrenaline running thru your veins to see what would happen if you play with fire it only depends on your ability to lose or win, sometimes its more than hobbying sometimes its more than playing safe. Its only point of view and how i feel about bp i learned to not trust anyone but always thinking what if?
tpepsi's Avatar
Backpage is like a thrift store. Mostly full of junk, but there are good finds to be found on occasion.

If you are a thrifty shopper, you enjoy sorting through the bins looking for a bargain. If you have plenty of cash and don't want to waste time, then yea, backpage is not for you.

I believe backpage serves as a healthy balance to the rates/service on eccie. With guys able to bust a nut on backpage for sixty or eighty dollars the eccie ladies have to step up their game to command the higher prices.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Backpage is like a thrift store. Mostly full of junk, but there are good finds to be found on occasion. Originally Posted by tpepsi
This! Best answer and it works for both sides as well. For men, exactly as the above states. Hell, most of the ladies here came from BP or similar sites. So there are gems in the folds, yes.

For the women, it is the same. Many many men do not know about sites like these. Especially those who are wandering out for the first time and don't know where to look. So they go where they know or have seen on the news etc. BP is well known and visible. There are many good clients to be found on BP but just like the good women on's more like a 1 in 20 chance of finding them and there are all those risks associated. If you have the time to screen, DO your homework and really put enough into it then it may be worth the risk to you...for both sides. You have to be comfortable with what you are willing to risk for a good time however but that's life.

Stay safe.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
There is a trust factor with ladies who are well reviewed on this board vs the lady that simply shows up posting on BP. It would never occur to me to meet a BP lady without creds from this board in the form of multiple reviews......
Exithere's Avatar
This goes both ways...


How many alerts, cash n dash, false ads, girl was not the one in the pics, not gfe, sting ops, etc have we seen? Wouldnt it be better just to tell them to become verified, put up a showcase, and live to see another day and not be out a hundred to two bills or worse? They are going to charge more later anyways. Does anyone really need to TOFTT with today's technology?

Can say what you want about finding new talent, but you don't have to risk seeing them to guide them the right way.


You have a better insight than myself. But I am sure ladies here and who have a steady business have a good idea can say it's not. I know that much. Please weigh in.

I just see p411, Eros, TER, and here much safer and better marketing why bother with BP? Is a quicker buck really a better one?

In my own personal opinion, backpage is a waste. Time is a commodity no one will gain back. Ever.

Thoughts... Originally Posted by Dr. Grey

I will see Backpage girls when they have several reviews on ECCIE. I don't check bp, I follow the links from ECCIE.
oldtiger's Avatar
Depends on what you are looking for. I'm fortunate enough to find a LMT that can give me the deep tissue massage I need and a wonderful trip to the Y.

Actual escorts? I'll stick to ECCIE and P411.
I can acknowledge the visual thrill of backpage...I see clearly see how one might have that strong urge to play with fire...especially when the donations are lower and the offerings appear to be so much better/younger/homegrown/real. Hell, I can admit to a little drooling as I've scrolled through the pics.

It's almost as if each person needs to go through that fire, sometimes more than once, in order to be prompted to search for an alternative. I think that backpage and craigslist are much more prevalent in most of our minds (think selling an item, a car, locating a service, etc...) than the more trusted & vetted sites, leading many to look to BP first.

I too can understand that thrill of the hunt..the excitement of the unknown...the adrenaline and those endorphins when you feel like you've conquered.

Clearly, not all apples are bad...but many are...and that applies to clients and providers alike.

Regarding encouraging ladies from BP to make a profile here...I would say, if you meet a lady via BP or elsewhere, gently vet her. Is she someone whose overall value to this community outweighs the potential negatives? Use common sense and trust your gut, not just your hormonal urges/bank balance/ego. YES, ego. Some gents thirst for a chance beat on their chests and roar that they were the one to encourage the newest ProviderDoeXOXO to migrate over.

And ladies, I urge you to also vet your clients/newbies before explaining all the ins and outs of our system to them; If you utilize BP or another site and they found you there, it's not a given that the next step is to lead them here or the other sites Dr. Grey mentioned. Let's protect eachother!

Each site has pros and cons for men and women alike but it comes down to the same ole's what works best for each person's tolerance level and budgets of both time and money. As Dr. Grey said, time is a commodity for all of us. Better to "spend" it wisely with a definitive and attainable goal at the end.

I like P411, TER, Twitter, and my mailing lists. I've enjoyed the free advertising here and the ability to post pics and change them as often as I like. I've never advertised on BP, and likely won't, but there are some savvy ladies who use it safely & to their benefit.
Samcro84's Avatar
Easy answer for me is NOPE!

No reviews you can depend on, LE possibilities and the girls probably have to system to check guys. Oh also probably pimped.

Cheesecake7's Avatar
Searching for AAMP's led me to TER, and that led me here.
. Originally Posted by BigGuy13

What does AAMP stand for?

American Association of Meat Processors?
Association for Audience Marketing Professionals?
Angio-Associated Migratory cell Protein?

Any input is appreciated.
Aghorn's Avatar

What does AAMP stand for?

American Association of Meat Processors?
Association for Audience Marketing Professionals?
Angio-Associated Migratory cell Protein?

Any input is appreciated. Originally Posted by Cheesecake7
I think it might be African American Massage Parlor. Just a guess.
The biggest problem with BP is lack of accountability. It's a free for all in the sense that anyone can sell anything without following any sort of rules. When you don't have the sense of accountability that a board like Eccie creates, the unpredictability comes from seller and buyer alike. It really is the Wild West of escorting.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
It really is the Wild West of escorting. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Excellent. You already turn me on, Camille. Then you go and say some smart shit like this and REALLY turn me on! 😉

Backpage= The Wild West of Escorting!

Genius! LOL!