We can't post attachments anymore?

roaringfork's Avatar
Or is it just me....
chicagoboy's Avatar
It's just you.
Attached Images File Type: jpg 517.jpg (184.7 KB, 80 views)
roaringfork's Avatar
Okay, then. Why me?
chicagoboy's Avatar
It might help if the OP were to tell us whether he is using the mobile site vs the full site; which browser he uses; his level of educational attainment; his grooming preference (shaved, trimmed, full bush), etc.
roaringfork's Avatar
Full browser; Firefox/Opera; some post-graduate work; don't need the full bush but do like to feel a little stubble against my ears while I'm dining. This appears at the bottom of this page I'm typing on:

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Elsewhere I read that I've used 1.79 mb to upload 29 attachments.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I have the same problem
ck1942's Avatar
"You may not post attachments"

Might just be a guess, but possibly non- PA males may be restricted. Or your capacity for uploading is exceeded.

Try posting a link to the image instead of uploading the image.

Or, the forum in which you are trying to post is restricted.
Why is there a capacity for uploading now?! I need more space, dammit.