Reflections on Choice of Career

roaringfork's Avatar
News of the recent amp busts got me thinking about a dialogue I've sometimes had with myself:

"Roaringfork, you could never be employed as a police officer, because you would have to spend the day enforcing anti-prostitution laws which you knew were stupid, while working, however indirectly, to eliminate your sole source of sex."

"Well, you're forgetting that if I were a cop, there would actually be no conflict of interest, since I would be amply provided with free pussy from an attractive wife, and/or a hot girlfriend, and/or dozens of station house groupies."

I'm a little too old now for this issue to be other than hypothetical, but was wondering whether anyone here would have any advice for a young man faced with this quandary.
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies thinck I should be a porn star. Between my 1.3" of dangling death and taint skills, I am legendary with the ladies.
Crimson32's Avatar
This is by far the strangest question I've ever read.... It's like multiple personality meets mid-life crises in a feud over free pussy or purchased pussy. My advise for anyone young is, do what ever the fuck you want to do, it is still a free country. Purchase it or don't purchase it,, either way there is a consequence. Every action is a reaction.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Crimsom32, I see you got your 3rd Newtonian law of motion almost right! It reads "to every action there is a reaction of equal force in the opposite direction".....

To the OP. There's no such thing as a free pussy.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Crimsom32, I see you got your 3rd Newtonian law of motion right!

To the OP. There's no such thing as a free pussy. Originally Posted by luiz7667
Yes, there is. There a lot of girls out there with self-esteem issues or that are just lonely that ask for nothing in return except time and attention. The major downside to a girl like that is her co-dependence. Maybe because most of the guys here are older and/or divorced, there's a tendency to see women as cold-hearted harpies.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Yes, there is. There a lot of girls out there with self-esteem issues or that are just lonely that ask for nothing in return except time and attention. The major downside to a girl like that is her co-dependence. Maybe because most of the guys here are older and/or divorced, there's a tendency to see women as cold-hearted harpies. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
My point is that is not free. Time is (a lot) of money... Attention, means dinners, etc. A provider is paid, but cheaper than a girl friend or an SO.... Women are not cold hearted at all... Women is the very best invention of God...

Oh God, I gotta find me some entertainment....
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
BTW, Chelsea could not even defeat Corinthians, having Ramirez & Oscar! What do you know?
Work out get in shape and you get to sleep with lots of women, doesn't matter your profession. Or option two, choose a profession where you make a lot of money, then you don't have to worry about the police or anything else really.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
My point is that is not free. Time is (a lot) of money... Attention, means dinners, etc. A provider is paid, but cheaper than a girl friend or an SO.... Women are not cold hearted at all... Women is the very best invention of God...

Oh God, I gotta find me some entertainment.... Originally Posted by luiz7667
I was talking monetarily. Time and attention are just the cost of doing business with the civilian woman. If they're intent on spending time with you, they'll offer to pay even when you tell them you don't have money. They will counter every BS excuse a man can come with.

Chelsea could have beaten Corinthians if it weren't for that meddling owner and Rafa Benitez. It was shameful, I'll admit it. I love Roman's money, but he makes Jerry Jones look like an amateur.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Indeed he does
For the OP - even law enforcement officials are human and capable of having desires that extend beyond their duty to uphold the law.

@Luiz and @Roger - both correct! Pussy isn't free, dating cost both monetary and in time, which you can never get back. $200 can come and go but 2 minutes, you can never have again.

There are men/women who come along in our lives that inspire us all to go to great limits to 'have them' - even if just for a date, etc. Sure, women pay and go all out but that's only in certain circumstances. Has nothing to do with desperation or low self esteem. However, I do know gals that are that desperate and except less than they deserve each and every time. Just how humans are designed