review long does it take?

drez63's Avatar
I wrote a review entitled "double trouble. double perfection". going on 24 hours ago. It has yet to be approved Have you all just overlooked it? It would be nice to get credit so my subscription is extended. What gives?
Duke of G's Avatar
Patience gives. We approve as soon as we can. I''ll go look into it.

Not sure where you got 24hrs as a number, but the volunteer staff generally tries to get to it as soon as we can. There's lots that demands attention, unfortunately.

As a suggestion: don't wait until the last minute to write a new reveiw to extend your PA. They run consecutively, so there's no reason to wait.
Duke of G's Avatar
Oh..and no fee = no credit. "regular tate X 2 " makes others do the work you should be doing in writing a review.

You'll want to let us know so we can correct it, then we'll get your PA credit added in.
drez63's Avatar
Can do.....the rate was 480 plus tip.