Who have you been told you look like

Besides the normal thing I hear which is I look just like someone's high school crush, college sweetheart, next door neighbor or even baby sitter...im told fairly frequently that I remind guys of someone

My favorite one so far that someone said I reminded them of is Jane Curtin
I can sorta see the facial expression at times....but thought this might be an interesting topic
Guest113018-1's Avatar
Back in the 80’s my friend said I looked like Elton John, didn’t know if they were serious or just joking around. About 20 years ago when I had a mustache and wore a ball cap and sun glasses I was told I resembled Dale Ernhart. Just a couple of weeks ago, a girl making my sandwich at subway said I looked like Dennis Quaid.

Personally I don’t think I look like any of those.
maxim_232's Avatar
Usually when someone says I look like someone it's because of the hair. Back in the day it was Sebastian Bach, more recently Timothy Schmidt.
Bdubbs41's Avatar
Wow, you do look like Jane Curtin, Analeese. Smoking hot look!!!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I've been told that Mark Hammil looks like me.
Boltfan's Avatar
I have been told I look like the Mighty Chewbacca. From the waist down. Wookies have large penis.
lda523287's Avatar
I get told I look like Denzel Washington a lot. Definite resemblance, Analeese.
Clint Reno's Avatar
Can't wait, Analeese!
You do look like Jane. I have heard I look like Tom Cruise by a lot of people. Every once in awhile I get Edward Norton
Elmer Fudd from the waste up. John Holmes from the waste down.
It's complicated....
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Hi everyone!!
This Thread is very cool to me cuz sometimes when I want to get a feel of what somebody looks like I always ask the person who knows the other person... who do they look like on TV..? Which celebrity?
I have been told that if Reba McEntire and Goldie Hawn had a baby..i would be their daughter..lol
Being told I resemble Goldie Hawn makes me kiss and hug that individual!!!
She has been a favorite of mine..
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Tom Cruise.
It hasn't happened often, but it has happened.
verygood69's Avatar
Way back in the day.....Burt Reynolds.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Especially when I was younger--- I would get this one a LOT. To the point where my nickname for a long while was Leeloo

Early 20's - Paul Walker. Now - Tim Allen