Has any Hobbiest ever done a question test to pick a provider?????????

Someone was talking about what provider he wanted to see and he is having a hard time. I suggested a question and whomever gave the best answer. That maybe the right girl for him. I know there are so many hot providers on here and through out the world. A man is at a candy store and a car lot. You can go get you a chevy or a bmw or if you like the classic cars that are hot and well kept you have that here too. Some guys prefer the young sleek sexy girls that make anyone go damn. How do guys determine just by looks or does personality have a major part in all of your decisions? One of the major things I hear over and over is guys hate drama. If a girl is a drama queen that is a turn off. Guys dont like drama.
...How do guys determine just by looks or does personality have a major part in all of your decisions? One of the major things I hear over and over is guys hate drama. If a girl is a drama queen that is a turn off. Guys dont like drama. Originally Posted by Truly Passion*
For me...I guess you could say both.

Looks first, then personality. A girl could be super HOT but if I meet her and our personalities don't mesh, I'm gonna be turned off.
OTOH, the flesh is weak and I may still go through with it

I could care less about drama or board persona...I actually like a little "crazy" in my provider
pyramider's Avatar
Most of us just kick the tires and go for a ride.
daty/o's Avatar
If I had to prioritize it, I would say:
1. Looks/ Guys are very visual creatures and physical attraction is foremost for me.
2. Rates/ In order to be able to play more, I have to work within limits.
3. Menu/ She has to be very open minded with all-inclusive rates. No upsells.
4. TCB skills/ If she can't manage her time, everything else is a mute point.

A great personality is a contributing factor, but mostly in regards to repeat visits, as it is an unknown prior to the first session.
Obviously looks are important, then menu, rates, and a repeat definitely depends on personality. If we don't click the other is useless. Gotta be someone I can communicate with.
pyramider's Avatar
No one has mentioned a taste test.
  • zebra
  • 05-20-2012, 04:19 PM
A great personality is a major contributing factor for me. If we click in and out of BCD that's a huge plus as I am seeking a regular I can visit like an exclusive. I'm not interested in the young sleek sexy girls or playing the field anymore, those were my aspd days... Drama is a two way street, hobbists dont like it & Providers dont like it either.

I could care less about drama or board persona...I actually like a little "crazy" in my provider....
1. Looks/ Guys are very visual creatures and physical attraction is foremost for me.
2. Rates/ In order to be able to play more, I have to work within limits.
3. Menu/ She has to be very open minded with all-inclusive rates. No upsells.
4. TCB skills/ If she can't manage her time, everything else is a mute point.

A great personality is a contributing factor, but mostly in regards to repeat visits, as it is an unknown prior to the first session.
Texasquest's Avatar
Personality is a MAJOR prioroty..Plain looking girls can shine like a DIAMOND with a great personality..While some knock dead gorgeous gals end up looking like a MuD Fence without a good personality !
Looks, cost and menu are important......IOP is a must!
I have one question that I use. Typically I place it through P411. It is can we meet at this time.. lol