*A first for me* I should have gone with my Gut* Hurt My Feelings*

Lindsay Lee's Avatar
We should ALL go with our gut when you have RED FLAGS!! In all my years I have never had anyone do what they did to me today. Some may think it's not a big deal, but I did today.

John Snow has been contacting me for years to see him....something has told me not too...well, I decided to see him today.

I had to walk out and guide him in, because he kept delaying on getting back with me.... When I finally found him driving around he parked and said just a min. I knew something was up.

Sure enough I start to walk to my condo and he leaves.

He said I do not look like my pics.

I took these just a few minutes ago with my Selfie stick.

I took as many as I could till it broke. But these are BRAND NEW....Nothing fancy. I'm a mature woman. It said this on all my reviews, and my recent reviews.

What he did was not right. But.....because I had to run out, I threw on baggy sweats and a T-shirt with large sunglasses. I have neighbors! Maybe he thought

John Snow said I would be laughed off the site if I put a Alert....I am not putting up a Alert on him.

(Taken today 7/6/2015)

(Taken about 2 weeks ago)

(Taken today 7/6/2015)

Guys please dont do this to us lady's......It makes us feel really bad.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Shit, ur post make my post (Lavie with weight excuse) nothing...
Shit, u look fine for your age (even you tell me your younger u look fine)..
I will see u if I can make time...
U look damn fine for some one in 40's... Ignore what one person tell u and believe what many people tell u.
So sorry to hear this happened to you, that sh*t is not right. BS to do that to anyone. Yep gut feelings are the way to go, I go with mine all the time.

You pics are awesome both showcase and the ones you just posted. Hell I need to come see you
You are a cutie!! Totally his loss. How can someone get lost finding a place while being guided in over the phone? Its not like a ho-matrix. I call bullshit. Sorry you had your time wasted and that you were treated rudely. Someone as sweet and pretty as you didn't deserve that at all! Shame on him.
His loss, I know from experience. Don't let this ChickenS dude mess up your day.
Not Worth It!!
i had the pleasure of seeing you a few months ago, and can tell the man he missed out on a beautiful lady.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Thanks so much for the kind words. I have been so lucky throughout these years. I've met some of the best people who I can call my very dear friends. I know that I shouldn't let something like this make me feel bad, but we are all just human and trying to make it in this world!!

THN.....After going back, I found some old alerts on him for playing games. I wonder if he was in the middle of one of his games.

Anyway....Lesson learned. Go with your gut!

SOULFLY's Avatar
Don't sweat it, you look good
I'm going to be requesting an appt with you as soon as I can find some free time.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
You're a pretty lady. I know we're supposed to be all thick skinned, but we do have feelings and words cut deep.

Drink a glass of wine, take a swim and breathe. Know that it probably had nothing to do with you at all :-*
pyramider's Avatar
One would thinck with a selfie stick there would be at least one taint photo ...

Not to worry about John Snow ... he was killed in the season finale.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Hahahahahhahahaha Pyramider that's funny!! Thank you sweet Laura Lynn!!!

That was funny pyramider.. I think Lindsay needed a laugh today. Good show.. she is a sweet one.
I read an article by Jerry Seinfeld a while back and he said it's one thing to be the funny guy amongst all your friends but it's something else for total strangers to pay you to make them laugh. If I were you I'd sleep pretty well knowing that nearly 100 people happily donated money just to hang out with you. And those are just the ones that bragged about it in a review!
Bestman200600's Avatar
Lindsey this guy has no class. I know you well and its his loss that he acted like a jerk with you. Looking forward to seeing you the next time I'm in Dallas. xoxo