Interesting Point About Obamacare

BigLouie's Avatar
From Jonathan Chait and The New Republic

Obama's plan closely mirrors three proposals that have attracted the support of Republicans who reside within their party's mainstream: The first is the 1993 Senate Republican health plan endorsed by former Republican Senator Dave Durenberger. The second is the Bipartisan Policy Center plan, endorsed by Bob Dole, Howard baker, George Mitchell and Tom Daschle. And the third, of course, is Mitt Romney's Massachusetts plan, which was crafted by the same economist who helped create Obama's plan, and which is rhetorically indistinguishable from Obama's.

Obamacare was, until recently, a moderate Republican health care plan by every substantive comparison or definition. The unanimity of Republican opposition says more about Republicans than it does about the plan itself.
More Dimtard revisionist history. "Won't add a single dime to the debt", "Will lower the cost of insurance", "The healthcare sessions will be televised live"....

give it up
Randy4Candy's Avatar
From Jonathan Chait and The New Republic

Obama's plan closely mirrors three proposals that have attracted the support of Republicans who reside within their party's mainstream: The first is the 1993 Senate Republican health plan endorsed by former Republican Senator Dave Durenberger. The second is the Bipartisan Policy Center plan, endorsed by Bob Dole, Howard baker, George Mitchell and Tom Daschle. And the third, of course, is Mitt Romney's Massachusetts plan, which was crafted by the same economist who helped create Obama's plan, and which is rhetorically indistinguishable from Obama's.

Obamacare was, until recently, a moderate Republican health care plan by every substantive comparison or definition. The unanimity of Republican opposition says more about Republicans than it does about the plan itself. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Uh, yeah.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like there are a LOT of people finding out about it today.

I've found out that I might even be saving more versus my current extortion policy than I originally thought.

So y'all can all suck it!
More Dimtard revisionist history. "Won't add a single dime to the debt", "Will lower the cost of insurance", "The healthcare sessions will be televised live"....

give it up Originally Posted by gnadfly

If W had thought of it instead of wanting to whip up on the muzzies we would be calling it Bushcare.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It doesn't matter who dreamed this monstrosity up, it's BAD LAW, and bad for the country, and signals the end of individual freedom, and the overt deployment of the police state. Anyone behind this law, and the supporters thereof ought to stand trial for treason. Regardless of party, or prior or current positions held.
It doesn't matter who dreamed this monstrosity up, it's BAD LAW, and bad for the country, and signals the end of individual freedom, and the overt deployment of the police state. Anyone behind this law, and the supporters thereof ought to stand trial for treason. Regardless of party, or prior or current positions held. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I suspect that Beautiful Downtown Damascus would be more suitable to you and your personal ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY!

Hanoi COG-----> <-----"Sweet Ass" IIFFY

They make a lovely couple!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
It doesn't matter who dreamed this monstrosity up, it's BAD LAW, and bad for the country, and signals the end of individual freedom, and the overt deployment of the police state. Anyone behind this law, and the supporters thereof ought to stand trial for treason. Regardless of party, or prior or current positions held. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, gritsboy, knock this pompous horsesh*t off. Adjust your bib and wipe the drool off the side of your face while you're at it.

We've heard all of this lying fear mongering before. First, when Social Security was enacted (the Kansan, Alf Landon, ran against it in 1936, saying the first thing he would do is repeal it - that worked really well, kind of like Million Dollar Mitt wanting to repeal his OWN law that was based on a Republican't plan) and again when Medicare was enacted. Then, it was all about "socialized medicine" driving all of the doctors out of the country. Well, look around and see all of the huge hospitals and open the yellow pages and count the doctors, not to mention labs.

You're an idiot engaged only in libriaritarian sloganeering. "Treasonous," indeed - ha! fool.
It doesn't matter who dreamed this monstrosity up, it's BAD LAW, and bad for the country, and signals the end of individual freedom, and the overt deployment of the police state. Anyone behind this law, and the supporters thereof ought to stand trial for treason. Regardless of party, or prior or current positions held. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I'm still waiting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I expect to hear less and less about this when the TeaWipes need to go to the doctor.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, you were able to make contact with the exchanges yesterday?
Interesting that most people were not able to. You must be blessed.
3 million hits on the web sites
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It doesn't matter who dreamed this monstrosity up, it's BAD LAW, and bad for the country, and signals the end of individual freedom, and the overt deployment of the police state. Anyone behind this law, and the supporters thereof ought to stand trial for treason. Regardless of party, or prior or current positions held. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Would you be ok with it if it were a state law freely enacted by each state's citizens, like Massachusetts, respecting state sovereignty?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Oh, gritsboy, knock this pompous horsesh*t off. Adjust your bib and wipe the drool off the side of your face while you're at it.

We've heard all of this lying fear mongering before. First, when Social Security was enacted (the Kansan, Alf Landon, ran against it in 1936, saying the first thing he would do is repeal it - that worked really well, kind of like Million Dollar Mitt wanting to repeal his OWN law that was based on a Republican't plan) and again when Medicare was enacted. Then, it was all about "socialized medicine" driving all of the doctors out of the country. Well, look around and see all of the huge hospitals and open the yellow pages and count the doctors, not to mention labs.

You're an idiot engaged only in libriaritarian sloganeering. "Treasonous," indeed - ha! fool. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
How do you come up with gritsboy out of cuteoldguy?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How do you still have the guts to post on ECCIE, Kaylawyer, after telling everybody you were moving in October?

It's October. LEAVE ALREADY!

Or go to Salina and kick Gritsboy's ass with your bare lips!
