Pray for Alabama!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jerk off or just a fucking idiot?

What do you think, Americans?

Trump fucked up. Double downed. Then did this.

President Trump showed a doctored hurricane chart. Was it to cover up for ‘Alabama’ Twitter flub?

Andrew Freedman
September 4 at 4:51 PM

On Wednesday, it appears the White House attempted to retroactively justify a tweet that President Trump issued over the weekend in which he warned, erroneously, that Alabama would be affected by Hurricane Dorian.

In a White House video released Wednesday, Trump displays a modified National Hurricane Center “cone of uncertainty” forecast, dated from 11 a.m. on Aug. 29, indicating Alabama would in fact be affected. The graphic appears to have been altered with a Sharpie to indicate a risk the storm would move into Alabama from Florida.

“We had, actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hit — hitting Florida directly,” Trump said as he displayed the graphic from Aug. 29, which now includes an added appendage extending the cone into Alabama. “That was the original chart,” Trump said. “It could’ve, uh, was going towards the Gulf,” Trump explained in the video.

NWS Birmingham

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx

10:11 AM - Sep 1, 2019
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Asked about the altered hurricane forecast chart at a White House event on opioids Wednesday afternoon, Trump said his briefings included a “95 percent chance probability” that Alabama would be hit. When asked whether the chart had been drawn on, Trump said: “I don’t know; I don’t know.”

Trump’s tweet on Sunday came as Dorian was hitting the Bahamas as a high-end Category 5 hurricane, and the tweet sparked enough public alarm that it prompted the National Weather Service in Birmingham, Ala. to bluntly tweet 20 minutes later: “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian.”

The actual National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast map President Trump was shown in a briefing on Hurricane Dorian on Aug. 29. (White House via Flickr)
Photos posted on the White House’s Flickr site reveal that Trump did receive the correct briefing on Aug. 29 from acting National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration head Neil Jacobs, in which the National Hurricane Center’s forecast called for Dorian to hit Florida. Alabama was never included in any National Hurricane Center forecast cone for Dorian, though it was included for a time in a map on the probability of tropical storm conditions, but that showed a low likelihood of that outcome.

A comparison shows the original Cone of Uncertainty graphic on Aug. 29 and the one shown in the White House video on Sept. 4. (NOAA/White House)
It is not clear whether Trump was responsible for altering the forecast chart, but the modified photo appeared to show Alabama in Dorian’s eventual line of fire. The original forecast by the National Hurricane Center can be seen here. The National Hurricane Center’s text bulletin at that time included Florida in its discussion five times, but it did not mention Alabama. Instead, the center urged caution from residents in “the Bahamas, Florida, and elsewhere in the southeastern United States.”

[Hurricane Dorian, one of the Atlantic’s most intense storms on record, baffles the president]

When Trump tweeted his original warning to Alabama, the concurrent National Hurricane Center forecast called for Dorian to pass off the Georgia coast, with the center of Dorian’s expected track passing 300 miles east of the Alabama border. The far western extent of the cone was located more than 150 miles east of the Alabama border.

NOAA did not immediately return a request for a statement about the altered forecast map, which has the agency’s official logo.

The White House did not return requests for comment for this report.

Altering official government weather forecasts isn’t just a cause for concern — it’s illegal. Per 18 U.S. Code 2074, which addresses false weather reports, “Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.”

That law applies to what is now known as NOAA’s National Weather Service, which contains the National Hurricane Center.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fake news! You libs will believe anything and any conspiracy theory you're told too.
Mr. Gaffe how are you able to combine these 5-star self-anointed leftwing cumfest circle jerks to cum up with this complete Trump trashing NONSENSE!!

Your thread is garbage...

I narcissist that is not only full of shit but full of himself!!
Mr. Gaffe how is that impeachment cumming for you??
Trump is your very own BOT FLY...

Your quote:

"Jerk off or just a fucking idiot"
You're BOTH!!
bambino's Avatar
Mr. Gaffe how is that impeachment cumming for you??

Your quote:

"Jerk off or just a fucking idiot"
You're BOTH!! Originally Posted by bb1961
And much more!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Funny stuff boyz.

This happened. Did you see the video? Nope, because you were busy whacking off to Fox News.

"The episode was the latest in a bizarre cycle where Trump has doubled and tripled down on including Alabama among the states he said was in the hurricane's path. It began Sunday morning when Trump tweeted: "In addition to Florida — South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." By that point, the hurricane's path was projected to go up the East Coast, avoiding Alabama.

"Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever," he added. "Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!"

About 20 minutes later, the National Weather Service in Birmingham, Alabama, tweeted: "Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian."

"We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama," the NWS added. "The system will remain too far east."

Soon after, Trump told reporters outside of Marine One that the hurricane "seems to be going up to toward South Carolina, toward North Carolina. Georgia is going to be hit. Alabama is going to get a piece of it, it looks like."

"But it can change its course again and it could go back more toward Florida," Trump said. "So we’ll be knowing — we’ll be learning over the next probably, less than 24 hours. But it is a very, very powerful hurricane."

Then, at a Federal Emergency Management Agency briefing Trump attended, the president said the hurricane "may get a little piece of a great place: It's called Alabama," adding the state "could even be in for at least some very strong winds and something more than that, it could be. This just came up, unfortunately."

On Monday, Trump was upset over an ABC News report pointing out the Alabama claim, tweeting: "Such a phony hurricane report by lightweight reporter @jonkarl of @ABCWorldNews. I suggested yesterday at FEMA that, along with Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, even Alabama could possibly come into play, which WAS true."

"They made a big deal about this when in fact, under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some 'hurt,'" he added. "Always good to be prepared! But the Fake News is only interested in demeaning and belittling. Didn’t play my whole sentence or statement. Bad people!"

When asked the map issue, a NOAA spokesperson told NBC to "Please contact the White House Press Office." The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the map from NBC News.

In a statement to CNN earlier this week, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Trump was told during a briefing at Camp David that "was important that the focus shouldn't be on the 'line or track' of the hurricane."

"That despite where Dorian would ultimately make landfall, the 'expanse of the wind field is large' and there was still 'a lot of uncertainty,'" she added. "His comments were simply noting those points, and with Alabama's proximity to Florida it makes sense."

Disseminating "knowingly" false weather reports is against federal law.

"Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both," 18 U.S. Code 2074 reads.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fake news! You libs will believe anything and any conspiracy theory you're told too. Originally Posted by winn dixie

Redhot1960's Avatar

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Glad you think it's funny ShitEater...

matchingmole's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
Yes he did that shit. Now he wants 3 billion dollars hijacked from the military budget for his wall. The wall the fat lying bastard declared would be paid for by Mexico will be at the cost of the military. The trump party will believe anything spewed from their messiahs ass.

But the Stormy Daniels saga is heating up with possible hearings about campaign violations being committed by Individual 1. That’s going to be funny
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 09-04-2019, 06:31 PM
DPST's - and OP- please write Nadler and Schiff that this Trump behavior may have broken a law.

With all your head poppin" Outrage.

See how far you get.

Waste of bandwidth.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nice one!!! The moron can never just admit he is wrong. Also prayer never works!!! Luckily the folks in Alabama do not need them.
matchingmole's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
So i see THIS is about the cuntillary emails! Finally! You socialists have been dodging this subject for a long time. Maybe? Just maybe they'll be ready to talk about Benghazi as well?