Central Arkansas ATF and Locals

With as many lovely women as Arkansas has, it would be nice to know which of these lovely ladies operate locally. Not simply because we should take care of our local ladies first, but we do tend to have some turnover and if you're like me who doesn't hobby frequently it would be nice to know who to start seeing as a regular versus only the weekend warrior princess who give great tours. Anyways, just a thought.
MrHappy4u's Avatar
Welcome, Geeky.

In the true spirit of your handle, I'd suggest you do a little research. Your two review experiences might indicate the need for a bit more research since they were both from BP in Nashville. Go take a look at the Arkansas Showcases, read reviews, etc. Get your reviews lined up and pick some of the locals you'd like to visit.

And since you're not new here, I'm moving your thread from the Welcome area to Coed.
Thanks for the clarification. I'll dig a little deeper. I keep getting travelers mixed with locals and by the time I'm ready to make a decision the travelers have moved on. I have non BP experience as well, it's only they took place too long ago to allow reviews. Oh well. Again, thank you I'll check out the showcase. Reminds me of Bob Barkers Price is Right HA-HA-HA