Personal Outcall Driver

jimbeam's Avatar
I am offering my services to be your personal chauffeur to and from your outcall appts. I am a dependable guy who will never disrespect you or cross your boundaries. I am truly an honest guy who has many friend providers that have told me that I could be of good use to you all. I am currently unemployed so I need the money as badly as you do. I will be on call Mon- Fri (10am-10pm) Sat- Sun all day anytime! If you would like a reference to confirm my dependability you can pm my friend Lotus Blossom. I occasionally provide services for her when needed.
Please call me if you need a ride ladies. My rates are simple and non negotiable. I do not take service exchanges. My number is 210-290-0109 and ask for Lloyd. Hope to hear from you ladies you won't be let down.
London Rayne's Avatar
I love having this service option. Though I don't do many outcalls I do offer my clients a driver who brings them to me and around the city when in town. It has saved them and I a lot of time and hassle with directions, getting lost, and being prompt. He also serves as a bell hop if needed, all for one inclusive fee.

I have known this person over 6 years and trust him with my life. He was my friend long before I ever became a provider, and cares not to ask questions.

I wish you the best of luck.