New Cleaning Service

Check out this cleaning service in Biloxi. Seems like they are up and down the south coast.

As I also own a small place by the coast in Biloxi I need to get this cleaning service when I am there without the SO.

Might just have to replace the current cleaning people.
When I lived in Dallas in the late 90s I used a service like this to clean my apartment. They usually sent one of three girls (I don't recall being able to request a particular one). The girl would clean in the nude and fuck me as well. Best cleaning service I ever had. Had to drop them as soon as I started dating the wife to be.
That's a pretty big stable of girls!
I would assume they show all of the girls they have from all locations.

I would think extras is on the table after a few cleanings. But who knows.
It's pretty common in Denver. There's even a topless barber shop
^^^^^ Now that is what I would like.