Deadbeat babbydaddy thugs

Omerta's Avatar
(post has been deleted)
Hogfan69's Avatar
I had a rental property next to me and thankfully someone bought it and moved in permanently. Every time someone moved out, they had to redo the walls and I would have to put up extra bug defenses to keep the ones they left behind from packing up and moving next door. The people that owned it eventually surrendered it to the bank and walked away.
Omerta's Avatar
I deleted the original post because it had maybe a little too much real-world info. But bottom line:
  • I rented a nice house to a single, young adult woman.
  • Woman's ex was a wannabe thug who had beat her. She had a restraining order against him. He has multiple convictions, can't get a job, etc.
  • Woman decides she's still "in love" with him and starts fucking him again. He secretly moves in, she gets pregnant.
  • I find out. They stop paying rent, I evict. Thug trashes the house. I report them to the various tenant screening agencies.
  • My lawyer will be suing her for damages. He'll win and I'll garnish her paycheck until my expenses are paid. Arkansas law allows me to take 25% of her pre-tax income.
This woman is working while the thug plays XBox. He's a parasite, sponging off her. And now he's knocked her up, and she'll be paying me for years. And good luck on finding a nice place to rent.

Where was I going with this? Why do some women do this? Why do they support the lazy-ass thugs?
Can't wait to see the answer. Always wondered that myself.
Vannah's Avatar
I've never understood that either. I couldn't fathom being involved with a guy that didn't have a legitimate career and aspirations for the future.
^^^ and that speaks to what you are about vs. those that don't have those standards.
I have seen relationships like that countless times. Especially in the hobby.

I think what it boils down to is that the woman has very low self-esteem & thinks she can't do any better. The biggest factor is that she's afraid to be alone. It's very sad!

I have been friends with ladies like that. I've seen them work really hard and try to get ahead, but it never happens for them because the douche bag is a constant financial drain.

It's hard to be their friend, because you want to be a true friend & tell them how toxic their relationship is... encourage them to do better. But in the end you're always forced to bite your tongue, or risk losing the friendship. Telling them the the truth always seems to make you the bad guy in their eyes. And in the end, it's their decision. Even if they choose a really fucked up life.
Exactly why I got away from rental property. Headaches aren't often but when you have one it's large! BTW, does she have a sister? I can't find a sugar momma!
Omerta's Avatar
Ginger is (of course) right on the money. I was in a toxic marriage for years, and I guess I thought that (at my age) I couldn't do better. And the ex ran our family into the ground to the point that I had to leave or lose everything.

I have the rental house cleaned up and I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to repaint, change a few things. It's a beautiful house, built in the 1950s, mid-town, 3 bed/2 bath, huge yard, art deco architecture (curving walls, etc.) But it's almost fall, and most prospective tenants are already in place for the winter. I have a feeling I'll need to carry this one empty for a few months. Or sell it.