Trump Got the Big C From Gold Star Families

Chung Tran's Avatar
So he said. They love him so much, they forced themselves on him, to kiss and hug him. Trump being a Gentleman, and respecting the Military as he does, just allowed them to transmit the virus to his person.

But didn't God bless him with the virus? all of the Gold Star families at the Trump meeting, report no symptoms or positive diagnosis.

God takes their family member during military conflict, but withholds the blessing of a Covid infection?
I thought he said it was a blessing from God. Oh never mind. That's who he blamed yesterday. Can you imagine how happy the secret service will be to kick his toxic ass out of the real Americans white house.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Give the Big T some slack. He's giddy as fuck, that he beat Covid in a day, does it matter where he caught it? Don't let the virus dominate your life, you'll beat it. Chris Christie is faking symptoms, obviously. He secretly became a ''never Trumper'', and didn't tell anyone. He should have been out of the hospital 3 days ago. Herman Cain ate too many God Damn Godfather's pizzas, he didn't die of Covid. The Deep State said he died in late July, but Cain has been tweeting for weeks after. He beat Covid, like the Big T said we all will.