Sad News but maybe it is for the best

Jennatx's Avatar
sad news but I am a fighter

So some sad and scary news. So this is hard for me and really emotional but I have been at the hospital for over a week now so I apologize if you guys have tried to set up an appointment and I am not available.
So the doctor has told me I have liver disease and in 7 months I will be placed on a transplant list. The doctors have told me if I continue drinking I will be dead in a year so therefore I am quitting 100% as hard as this is I don't want to die this is something that is not contagious and hopefully I will be out in one week they have placed me and I see you and besides being lonely and dwelling them my own thoughts I know I will fight this
So I am asking for prayers and positive vibes please no basching because emotionally I'm already going through enough on a good note I will be losing a ton of weights because of my medications so not that I'm not sexy I plan to become more cuter not only on the inside but on the outside as well.
I have set up a GoFundMe account and posted the information on my Twitter page anything helps at this point to pay for finances as being a single adult woman. Just because I am sick does not mean bills stop coming
So any little bit helps big or small if you would like to information for my GoFundMe or cash up please let me know via pm I asked to keep this thread positive and no bashing or shaming. Luckily I have a good team of doctors and highly grateful for this so when I do get out I do plan to run specials and some amazing deals and brand new pictures so sending a lot of love to everybody

Update@ 9/27
I have lost about 40 lbs and the drs are still wanting more off. I think I peed enough that a toddler lol.
They are hopeful for me to be out in a day or two.

I bought a couple new outfits so I am going to be taking new Pictures
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Beautiful Jenna, please know you have all my prayers, positive vibes & love. I've known more than one person who've gotten liver transplants & gone on to live a great life, so please remember this. It's a hard and dramatic time, but it shows you just how strong you are, what is really important in life and I really have no doubt that you are indeed a fighter!
