Is D&T out of business?

I drove by DT and there were no signs that it was open although they're open that time of day. Have they been shut down or does anyone know?
200 per tip they probably have all retired
GoodTyme's Avatar
This place charges way too much, for way too little in services offered.
GoodTyme's Avatar
Originally Posted by bacchus2736
Is it still open or closed ? anyone stopped by today?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not a review, moved from AMPs
Will someone post an update on this, and not in private? I saw in an encounter comment that the phone was out of service. Send me a PM if you don't want to post a public comment. Thanks!
Anyone? Update?
Captain Crunch I’d usually the man on DT he will know
Well Capt'n, Do you have any info on your home away from home? I haven't seen anyone write any encounters about D&T lately. Thanks!
Last I checked they were closed, I think owner had some family issue or something. No timeframe to reopen either. Guess we are SOL
Last I checked they were closed, I think owner had some family issue or something. No timeframe to reopen either. Guess we are SOL Originally Posted by AAAMPfinder
Thanks for the update.