Question for you

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They'll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government."

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Almost no one would explicitly claim to value security above freedom. But, many Americans implicitly do so. Why?
jbravo_123's Avatar
Because freedom and security are on opposite ends of the same scale and are inherently at odds with each other?

Some people prefer less freedom and alive vs greater freedom and dead.
The question is silly because it assumes things that are quite simply not true. Like most of the bullshit you post up.

It's all there for you to see in the Bill of Rights. Americans can pretty much say what they want, practice any religion they like, enjoy almost total freedom of the press, enjoy some of the most liberal firearms laws in the world, have freedom to assemble, enjoy unprecedented procedural protections when accused of a crime....the list goes on and on.

Your bizarre obsession with the the idea that the government is somehow oppressing you and taking away your rights is simply at odds with reality. As evidenced by the fact that we are having this argument on a website devoted to hobbying. Do you get the irony?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I liked how you slipped in "the most liberal firearms laws in the world".
The question is silly because it assumes things that are quite simply not true. Like most of the bullshit you post up.

It's all there for you to see in the Bill of Rights. Americans can pretty much say what they want, practice any religion they like, enjoy almost total freedom of the press, enjoy some of the most liberal firearms laws in the world, have freedom to assemble, enjoy unprecedented procedural protections when accused of a crime....the list goes on and on.

Your bizarre obsession with the the idea that the government is somehow oppressing you and taking away your rights is simply at odds with reality. As evidenced by the fact that we are having this argument on a website devoted to hobbying. Do you get the irony? Originally Posted by timpage
Who gave you all that freedom Tim? It sure did'nt come from the left.
Who gave you all that freedom Tim? It sure did'nt come from the left. Originally Posted by slim deez
Nor from the right. But, that's a different thread Slim.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Who gave you all that freedom Tim? It sure did'nt come from the left. Originally Posted by slim deez
For their time period, the founding fathers were actually quite progressive. A representative democracy for a government instead of a monarchy? Not exactly something that's been done in history over and over again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not a democracy, a representative republic. In a democracy, the majority rules. In a republic, the law rules. Problem is, we have turned our great republic into a democracy, and that is where the problem lies.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Not a democracy, a representative republic. In a democracy, the majority rules. In a republic, the law rules. Problem is, we have turned our great republic into a democracy, and that is where the problem lies.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, it is a democracy when the liberals want it to be, and a constitutional Republic when it suits them.
Basically, they vote their shit in, and have enough liberal judges to back it up.
When conservatives vote in stuff they don't like, the liberal judges fuck it up and call it unconstitutional.
I would take a parliamentary system over this system any day.
The once great American system is broken. Once conservatives get their heads out of their asses and realize nothing done by the current government is in their interests or worth preserving, we can change things back to the good old days. Today's society sucks - being blindly patriotic to the once great nation is a recipe for slavery. Tyrants rule over you as you do their laundry, and thank them for it.