Homeless People

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Homeless People.

You see them everyday.

What happened?

How did they wind up on the street wandering about lost.

How do we fix that?

. . . Does a fix even exist?

pyramider's Avatar
There is no fix. The do gooders went to the courts 30 years ago and got thousands of mentally ill released into the general population where all of the sudden they did not have access to their meds. These people are beyond help. In addition, with the economy tancking more people have lost their homes and do not have funds to get proper housing.
If they are honest. I will kickem a few bucks.

There is a Democrat in the White House. The press doesn't talk about homelessness now.

They will wait until a Republican is back in office.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
There is a Democrat in the White House. The press doesn't talk about homelessness now.

They will wait until a Republican is back in office. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Very true. Back in the 1980's when Reagan was President, the MSM did story after story on the homeless. During the Clinton Presidency, the MSM suddenly forgot about the homeless.
Must be in Texas they are ignored we have articles in print and on TV ..
jbravo_123's Avatar
Give guns to all of them. They should be able to defend themselves and their cardboard boxes.
JCM800's Avatar
one the more successful homeless guys...

Interesting article. It appears that homelessness declined 30% between 2005 and 2007 thanks to a program started by George Bush:


Importantly, homelessness did NOT increase when the great recession occurred in 2008. It has pretty much stayed in the same place.
Not sure if they are homeless or not but the beggars have increased ten fold around here. Personal observation only, no links because it's a secret and we just throw them in jail. Oh wait, our jails are full, maybe that's the reason?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Because it continued to be cold in New York City and hurricanes blew them west.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I dont see no homeless people......all I see is Hope and Change.......forward.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I was in Montana a few years back and never saw a homeless person. What are their policies that are so effective?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Declined? Are you kidding?

When I was a kid, I hardly remember seeing homeless people wandering around.

. . . Now I see them at most intersections every day begging with their cardboard signs and ragged clothes looking pitiful. From my perspective, there has been a definite increase in homeless people and it is a heart-breaking sight.

Interesting article. It appears that homelessness declined 30% between 2005 and 2007 thanks to a program started by George Bush:


Importantly, homelessness did NOT increase when the great recession occurred in 2008. It has pretty much stayed in the same place. Originally Posted by ExNYer
jbravo_123's Avatar
I was in Montana a few years back and never saw a homeless person. What are their policies that are so effective? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Probably the cold? They do tend to follow the patterns of migratory birds...