NCNS: Review or CO-ED


Reviews are exactly that, reviews of service. The nature of this business dictates that service starts with scheduling. Once one party has scheduled an appointment with another party, the business transaction has begun. Why are NC/NS posts not reviews? They should be lumped up under the provider's handle with all her other "yes" and "no" reviews. By separating them out, you're making it more difficult for the Client/Hobbyist to do research on the topic. Simplify.

Escort CLIENT Community Information EXCHANGE (ECCIE)
It's a shame really because the database is already setup to be linked and that information would be more readily available and more easily searchable.
Reviews are of activities. No activities took place, hence, not a review. It has ALWAYS been that way. NC/NC was NEVER suppose to be a review. This is from the Owners so it does no good to debate it with the mods.
And, guys really need to follow instructions about NC/NS posting. If they would, the results would be far more usefull.
We are in a public forum. Let the owners speak for themselves.
Bubba your missing the point. The decision locally has been to post the NCNS in COed. Guys are still using the review process to post NCNS. If your going to move it COED make all information available and which includes removing the ROS and private tags. Otherwise what is the point. Lets bottom line this no matter how many times you scream do not use the review form for NCNS, it will still continue
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Forget all about the formalistic "is this a 'review' is isn't it" or "did activities take place or not" BS. The focus should be on what is the best practice for where NCNSs should go, not some linguistic test with no relationship to any underlying purpose. IMHO, NCNSs are important info that I'd like to be able to easily and reliably locate and that the site should encourage guys to post. Linking them to provider profiles would do that. As I understand the mechanics of the software used here, the way to link them is to post them as new reviews in the review forum, so that's what I'm in favor of. I'd think the fact that members keep posting them as new reviews despite mods repeatedly moving them and a sticky and constant reminders from mods as to where they should go would alert ownership that the current set up is not what the membership wants.

Ideally, I'd suggest ownership create a separate forum called "Taking Care of Business" or some such. Men or women could post or respond about NCNSs, last minute cancellations, and anything else related to the non-BCD business aspects of appointments.
"Reviews are of activities. No activities took place, hence, not a review"

I wholeheartedly disagree. Scheduling an appointment and living up to the mutually agreed upon parts of that scheduling is the first activity in the larger set of activities that take place in an encounter that's being reviewed. Scheduling in and of itself is an activity. It is such an important part of the larger review process that the review template itself has a field dedicated to it.

Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?:

Recognize that little line? It implies that an activity known as "scheduling" took place. By very nature that the question is posed on the template lends credence to it being a very important element of a "review".
LazurusLong's Avatar
Scheduling an appointment and living up to the mutually agreed upon parts of that scheduling is the first activity in the larger set of activities that take place in an encounter that's being reviewed. Scheduling in and of itself is an activity. It is such an important part of the larger review process that the review template itself has a field dedicated to it. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
I agree with having them in Co-ed is best so the provider can respond.

I STRONGLY disagree with them not being linked to the provider's review list for one click viewing and search. Try searching in a discussion forum for a provider's name and you'll be sitting there for a while trying to filter that mess.

That seems to be the sticking point for many folks, the lack of affixing the NCNS to a provider's profile. Hell, the review tabs were designed to facilitate research so this should also be attached to insure ALL research can be found quickly.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Not much point in linking reviews to provider profiles if such an important piece of information isn't included in said links.
As a reminder we have set up a profile specifically for NCNS reviews per city: NCNS Dallas
As a reminder we have set up a profile specifically for NCNS reviews per city: NCNS Dallas Originally Posted by surfindick
Can you elaborate on this? I'm not sure what that means.
It means we have set up a profile for no show reviews per city, Dallas's is:
It means we have set up a profile for no show reviews per city, Dallas's is: Originally Posted by surfindick
Thanks, I hadn't seen that.

Looking at it, is there any way to get the thread title to show up on the list? As it currently stands, a guy would literally have to click each one to determine if a provider he was interested in had a posted NC/NS.

Just a thought, thanks for taking a step in that direction.
NC/NS reviews are NOT connected to the providers profle. No one has has been completly happy with any solution that has been put forward. But, not following the rules fails to give the current solution a proper chance to see if it works. All it does is to continue causng issues and making things worse.

Put forward your arguments of what to do, please. But as long as the rules are what they are, follow the damn rules. There are programing issues that have to be considered as well.

Currenty, given the tool restrictions, the ONLY way for providers to have a fair chance to rebutt NC/NS reports is it NOT put it in a review. Only reviews can be attached to profiles. Also, many NS/NS issues end of being matters of misunderstanding or legit issues for the missed session.

Contine to offer suggestions but untill there are better solutions, follow the guidlines so we have a fair chance to judge the results.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
As a reminder we have set up a profile specifically for NCNS reviews per city: NCNS Dallas Originally Posted by surfindick
Isn't this just an administrative profile set up for mods to assign NCNS reviews to so you get them out of the review que? As is, it does nothing for the guys. Not searchable. Impossible to check for a particular provider without reading all of them. No one would know to look there or even be able to find that thread (hell, I bet even Laz wasn't aware of it!!). And, all of the new threads in Coed (like you guys want it to be done) do not show up there. That thread is just a dumping ground for NCNS reviews. Please don't piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.