Michelle Obama Is Full Of Shit

Anybody listen to her speech today, expounding on all of the achievements of Hillary Clinton, saying he is the most qualified person ever to seek the office of the Presidency.

Bullshit. Her so called accomplishments?

Her first one, trying to head up a panel to bring "Hillary Care" to the masses, was a total failure. After that, she spent much of her time as First Lady dealing with accusations against her sexual predator husband, often threatening to destroy the women who dared speak up.

Then after the White House, she carpetbagged her way into a New York Senate seat where she did nothing except sponsor some meaningless bills.


Then, she failed in her run against President Obama, and settled for Secretary of State, where she botched everything, including that ridiculous "reset button" with Russia. And of ourse, her Naiveté and stupidity lead to her backing that ridiculous "Arab Spring" that not only left many Countries in turmoil, but resulted in her totally botching the answer to our attack on our embassy in Libya, resulting in the deaths of four brave Americans. In short, many of the very problems plaguing the Middle East now are a direct result of her tenure as Secretary of State.

And there's Michelle, just spouting all sorts of platitudes about this reprehensable bitch.

Lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt. That's the truth about Hillary Clinton. And the shame is, Michelle Obama knows it.
lustylad's Avatar
The only time Moochelle told the truth about hildebeest was back in 2007 when she said "if you can't run your own house, you certainly can't run the White House!"
goodman0422's Avatar
Hillary's biggest qualification is having a vagina (that even her husband won't touch.)

At least she probably won't have a sex scandal.
bambino's Avatar
Nobody in the MSM mentions that Hillary needs help campaigning. The whole gang is out there stumping for her because she's so inept. Her running mate is a loser too. He can't draw a crowd either.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nobody in the MSM mentions that Hillary needs help campaigning. The whole gang is out there stumping for her because she's so inept. Her running mate is a loser too. He can't draw a crowd either. Originally Posted by bambino

  • DSK
  • 10-27-2016, 09:27 PM
The only time Moochelle told the truth about hildebeest was back in 2007 when she said "if you can't run your own house, you certainly can't run the White House!" Originally Posted by lustylad
Amen to that!
goodman0422's Avatar
Is it sad that Hillary couldn't even headline her own campaign? She had to introduce Michelle because the crowd was there for Michelle, not Hillary.
It's amazing how someone can sacrifice their last remaining smidgen of respectability and sell out to such a reprehensible lot as The Clintons.
  • jma9
  • 10-28-2016, 10:17 AM
Only libtards give a shit what that tranny says; independents are not buying it.
Only libtards give a shit what that tranny says; independents are not buying it. Originally Posted by jma9
Most independents aren't buying either of them. Trump or Hillary.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bet is still open, douchebags!

Three to one odds for any of you. HRC wins, you take 90, Drumpf wins, I'll take SIX FUCKING MONTHS! Surely you big tough guys want to see my ass gone for half a year! Is it worth 90 days of your worthless pitiful LOSER lives to achieve that goal?

Come on, prongnosticators. Belly up to the bar...and hope you can see the bar.

This goes for all of you except JL. He can't play.
Bet is still open, douchebags!

Three to one odds for any of you. HRC wins, you take 90, Drumpf wins, I'll take SIX FUCKING MONTHS! Surely you big tough guys want to see my ass gone for half a year! Is it worth 90 days of your worthless pitiful LOSER lives to achieve that goal?

Come on, prongnosticators. Belly up to the bar...and hope you can see the bar.

This goes for all of you except JL. He can't play. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
YOU will welsh, like YOUR protégé EKIM has before. So why would anyone trust YOU to " honor " anything when YOU are bereft of ALL " honor " Mr. DOTY 4 TIMES !!!!!! ????
goodman0422's Avatar
Most independents aren't buying either of them. Trump or Hillary. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I am an independent. I registered Republican this year with the intention of voting for whoever had the best chance against Trump in the primaries. Unfortunately, that battle was lost before my state's primary so we are stuck with him.

I don't want Trump. He would not have been my pick. But he is far better than a woman who's "experience" is highlighted by failure. At the very least she is guilty of obstruction of justice. This was enough to get rid of Nixon but Democrats want to give Hillary yet one more pass.

She knows she is above the law. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
She is an accomplished liar and thief and maybe even the one that put hits out on her enemies and some lovers.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hillary's biggest qualification is having a vagina (that even her husband won't touch.)

At least she probably won't have a sex scandal. Originally Posted by goodman0422
Not involving a man anyway. That'd be another first if she wins. The first Lesbian president.