Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

By: Kirsten Powers

We've forgotten what belongs on Page One.

Butchering babies that were already born and were older than the state's 24-week limit for abortions is the story.

That one is murder and the other is a legal procedure is morally irreconcilable.
This is not about being "pro-choice" or "pro-life." It is about basic human rights.

Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven't heard about these sickening accusations?

It's not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page. The revolting revelations of Gosnell's former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart.

NBC-10 Philadelphia reported that, Stephen Massof, a former Gosnell worker, "described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, 'literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body." One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his "snipping" technique to use on infants born alive.

Massof, who, like other witnesses, has himself pleaded guilty to serious crimes, testified "It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place." Here is the headline the Associated Press put on a story about his testimony that he saw 100 babies born and then snipped: "Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic."

"Chaos" isn't really the story here. Butchering babies that were already born and were older than the state's 24-week limit for abortions is the story. There is a reason the late Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan called this procedure infanticide.

Planned Parenthood recently claimed that the possibility of infants surviving late-term abortions was "highly unusual." The Gosnell case suggests otherwise.

Regardless of such quibbles, about whether Gosnell was killing the infants one second after they left the womb instead of partially inside or completely inside the womb — as in a routine late-term abortion — is merely a matter of geography. That one is murder and the other is a legal procedure is morally irreconcilable.

A Lexis-Nexis search shows none of the news shows on the three major national television networks has mentioned the Gosnell trial in the last three months. The exception is when Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan hijacked a segment on Meet the Press meant to foment outrage over an anti-abortion rights law in some backward red state.

The Washington Post has not published original reporting on this during the trial and The New York Times saw fit to run one original story on A-17 on the trial's first day. They've been silent ever since, despite headline-worthy testimony.

Let me state the obvious. This should be front page news. When Rush Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke, there was non-stop media hysteria. The venerable NBC Nightly News' Brian Williams intoned, "A firestorm of outrage from women after a crude tirade from Rush Limbaugh," as he teased a segment on the brouhaha. Yet, accusations of babies having their heads severed — a major human rights story if there ever was one — doesn't make the cut.

You don't have to oppose abortion rights to find late-term abortion abhorrent or to find the Gosnell trial eminently newsworthy. This is not about being "pro-choice" or "pro-life." It's about basic human rights.

The deafening silence of too much of the media, once a force for justice in America, is a disgrace.

Kirsten Powers is a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors, a Fox News political analyst and columnist for The Daily Beast.
Thanks Whirly.

"The deafening silence of too much of the media, once a force for justice in America, is a disgrace". Kirsten Powers

That sums it up...
Doesn't fit the MSM narrative that it's all about the woman. Besides, O'Blunder is for it, including "born-alive" abortion, otherwise known as infanticide.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The story is horrible and the silence is deafening. I'm waiting to hear what the defenders here have to say.
Why the fuck would you think there will be defenders?????
I B Hankering's Avatar
Doesn't fit the MSM narrative that it's all about the woman. Besides, O'Blunder is for it, including "born-alive" abortion, otherwise known as infanticide. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why the fuck would you think there will be defenders????? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It is very difficult to defend that which cannot be defended.

I wonder if some of the defenders of abortion on demand were in the "operating room" when this monster clipped the spine of a live baby, would they consider perhaps take a pause.

Probably not. Keep in mind, these are the same people who do not want a woman to see an ultra sound of what is inside her before she gets an abortion.

She might take pause.
Planned Parenthood.....and the media blackout is a defense by omission, much the same way Clinton ignored the Rhawandan genocide.
It is very difficult to defend that which cannot be defended.

I wonder if some of the defenders of abortion on demand were in the "operating room" when this monster clipped the spine of a live baby, would they consider perhaps take a pause.

Probably not. Keep in mind, these are the same people who do not want a woman to see an ultra sound of what is inside her before she gets an abortion.

She might take pause. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This falls under the "slippery slope" argument that progressives are always saying isn't an issue with anything they propose. When Roe passed, it was mostly about 1st trimester, now we have health of the mother, minors getting abortions without parental notification, late term abortion, "born alive" killings, etc., etc. All excuses to allow the murder of babies.

And they wonder why we fight so hard on issues like the 2nd Amendment and immigration...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The problem here is that you can't comprehend the fact that sometimes we don't disagree.

Fucking kills you, doesn't it?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-12-2013, 09:08 PM
Why the fuck would you think there will be defenders????? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
+1000 Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The doctor is being tried for murder....yet our resident idiots think nothing is being done and also try and use this as a reason to try and ban all abortion. This is like using Sandy Hook as a reason to ban all guns you Tea Tards dipshits. Ignorant , right?
  • 04-12-2013, 09:14 PM
The problem here is that you can't comprehend the fact that sometimes we don't disagree.

Fucking kills you, doesn't it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

the fact that YOU here in TEXAS, are the one trying to kill me...

You are forgetting that YOU attempted to murder me many time before, if GOD did not SCARE the SHIT out of YOU....You would have continue.... until RECENTLY AT STARBUCK

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking loony Marshall.
  • 04-12-2013, 09:21 PM