Trump supporters target black voters with faked AI images

In light of the breathless posts regarding black folks supporting Daddy Trimp, I figured it's worth pointing out that MAGAts are using AI to make it appear he has more support than he does.

I guess AI friends are as accurate as all the other muikans that a few of the posters on here tell us they are voting for the orange cunt.

Trump supporters target black voters with faked AI images

Stay classy MAGAts.
texassapper's Avatar
Is this similar to Russia gate, the pee tapes or any of the other stuff democrats made up?
Is this similar to Russia gate, the pee tapes or any of the other stuff democrats made up? Originally Posted by texassapper
Precious_b's Avatar
Is this similar to Russia gate, the pee tapes or any of the other stuff democrats made up? Originally Posted by texassapper
Man. You are obsessed with the golden shower stuff.

But we all know Mueller proved donny was too stupid to collude.

But it would be a hoot if such a tape popped up. Magas pray that the melange one doesn't *piss* off pooty.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
This is lefty garbage. Polls are showing Trump has 25% of black voters. There isnt any need or reason to create fake pictures when there are plenty unstaged photos of Trump with his black supporters.

Btw…photoshopping is not AI.
txdot-guy's Avatar
This is lefty garbage. Polls are showing Trump has 25% of black voters. There isnt any need or reason to create fake pictures when there are plenty unstaged photos of Trump with his black supporters.

Btw…photoshopping is not AI. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No but it is still a lie. Ole Schitzenpants and his cronies do it routinely to bolster their other lies. They do it because they know that certain elements of their followers will lap it up and believe anything they are told. It’s called propaganda and it appears to be working.
This is lefty garbage. Polls are showing Trump has 25% of black voters. There isnt any need or reason to create fake pictures when there are plenty unstaged photos of Trump with his black supporters. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yet the MAGAts continue to do so. Wonder why that is.

Btw…photoshopping is not AI.
Thanks for that. Not relevant to this post since the pics posted above are AI generated/enhanced. Photoshop now uses AI.

I think you may be out of your depth.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yet the MAGAts continue to do so. Wonder why that is.

Thanks for that. Not relevant to this post since the pics posted above are AI generated/enhanced. Photoshop now uses AI.

I think you may be out of your depth. Originally Posted by Diligaf
That’s the point. They don't need to do it and they are NOT doing it. You seem to know more about how these fake pictures are generated than anyone else. They are obviously fake. It’s just another lie about Trump being spread by loud mouth bloggers, such as yourself. I see you joined this group 2 months ago and I seriously doubt you’ll still be posting here after the election.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I did not know untill this very day that Mueller-zini was black or AI generated.
Man. You are obsessed with the golden shower stuff.

But we all know Mueller proved donny was too stupid to collude.

But it would be a hoot if such a tape popped up. Magas pray that the melange one doesn't *piss* off pooty. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I did not know untill this very day that Mueller-zini was black or AI generated. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems they are using the latest and greatest AI fakes and I have to admit that they seem absolutely real-deal. I mean, take the below. They not only faked people, they faked people talking, attending, using the fake restrooms and reserving a fake barber shop. That's some mighty real looking fakery. Heck fire, they even had fake interviews with fake attendees and fake speakers from the fake gathering at a fake barber shop. Ya just can't believe your lying eyeballs any more.

Shoot howdy! I might be wrong. They must be using AI v7.0, because they now have added fake live streaming as well. That is whole next level stuff fo' sho'. As you can see here, TBH: it's nigh-on impossible to tell from the real thing.

Oh wait! I wonder if'n they are also wearing those CIA mask disguises and all the fake participants are actually faked old white guys wearing masks. Dang that chite is good.

Makes one wonder if Don King was ever black. I mean he didn't vote for FJoe Biden (litmus test) and with all those masks and AI, did Don King ever really exist?!? What's up with that obviously fake hair too? I didn't think AI 7 would generate retro looking black&white photos. Thought that was for a future release. Moore's Law in action...

I mean seriously. Who would believe a fake black guy would wear a white suit, knowing they were going to use the AI to generate a fake black&white photo?!?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... It’s called propaganda and it appears to be working. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Tread lightly there valued poster, as that would seem to imply that the target demographic is just not quite smart enough to know the difference and that they should remain firmly planted on the Demonicrat plantation for their "own" good. What's next? Hints about resurrecting the Demonicrat Klan again. Maybe a better approach would be to "see" them as adult human beings that are readily capable of making their own determination and choices instead. That should be a thing.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Tread lightly there valued poster, as that would seem to imply that the target demographic is just not quite smart enough to know the difference and that they should remain firmly planted on the Demonicrat plantation for their "own" good. What's next? Hints about resurrecting the Demonicrat Klan again. Maybe a better approach would be to "see" them as adult human beings that are readily capable of making their own determination and choices instead. That should be a thing. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

“If you don’t vote for me than you ain’t black”

That is liberal racism.
“If you don’t vote for me than you ain’t black”

That is liberal racism. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That must be very different than conservative racism, such as:
  • trump called for the death penalty for five wrongly convicted black men, and refused to apologize for it
  • he championed conspiracy theories about Barack Obama’s birth place and citizenship;
  • he said there were “very fine people on both sides” of the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally attended by white supremacists;
  • he called Mexicans “rapists” and “criminals”; he put brown babies in cages.
In light of the breathless posts regarding black folks supporting Daddy Trimp, I figured it's worth pointing out that MAGAts are using AI to make it appear he has more support than he does.

I guess AI friends are as accurate as all the other muikans that a few of the posters on here tell us they are voting for the orange cunt.

Trump supporters target black voters with faked AI images

Stay classy MAGAts. Originally Posted by Diligaf
The images may be fake but after last nights Debate the sentiment isn't.