
Candi Staxx's Avatar
...hope this is right forum!

Suggestions on good areas or any condos/small homes/apartments for a single-no children or roomates-independent provider to live in S.A.?
S1lv3rad0_77's Avatar
I live waaay up on the NEside, but I would say the med center area is full of condos/ apts...also the area around 281 between 410 and 1604 has some nice apts and stuff. Hope it helps :-)
Candi Staxx's Avatar
thank you!
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Your best bet love is to get on www.forrent.com and use a combination of maps and your criteria ($cost, etc) to figure it out. Then go drive out there and check it out.

There are 3 major districts in SA (excluding downtown/tourista-ville)
Medical Center (I-10 area) - the most metro but also the most ghetto, it's the real "city"
Stone Oak - The posh area. Located at Stone Oak and 1604. There are nice apts there BUT traffic is pretty heavy.
Airport - Area around Blanco & Bitters to 1604. Posh can be found here but also mid-level econo apartments (older). It tends to be less densly populated than the other two areas. The GREAT thing about this district is that it provides easy access to ALL of them. Go down Blanco and jump on Wurbach Pkwy - you are in Med Center in 15 min
Go up Blanco and head West - you are in Stone Oak in 15 min.
All the 281 hotels are also just 15 min away.

Should I get excited? Does this mean YOU are moving here???

Best of