P4 changes coming in 2019

1.Providers can no longer advertise
2.Clients can no longer search for companions and request appointments.
3.They will accept new clients and companion applications
Champagne Brown's Avatar
For Number (1) it wouldn't matter to me either way.. I didn't know how to advertise til almost 6mnths ago, give or take.. (Been a member since 2009)

Number (2) Wwhat!?
What's the use then? Did you get an email about these changes?
htownhunter's Avatar
^^. Yes email sent by site admin to members.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
It's still going to be useful.
"Read" the memo
Kudos to Gina for changing things for the best

However, I think I'll happily postpone my 2-3 month vacation for another date (I was planning on taking Off mid July-Oct.)...Let's see what becomes of the New Year Jan.2019
~ Postpone = Because that's what a smart Socialite like myself does
It seems limiting or disabling search functions hurt its uselfullness
Never heard of it. I'm just here for the popcorn
It's still going to be useful.
"Read" the memo
Kudos to Gina for changing things for the best

However, I think I'll happily postpone my 2-3 month vacation for another date (I was planning on taking Off mid July-Oct.)...Let's see what becomes of the New Year Jan.2019
~ Postpone = Because that's what a smart Socialite like myself does
Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
Bankshot's Avatar
I doubt I'll renew my membership unless they lower their fees. The inability to search for ladies and request an appointment is BS
jojodancer15's Avatar
very interesting, things are changing all over
jojodancer15's Avatar
What's the use then? Did you get an email about these changes? Originally Posted by Curved65
As said, a pm was sent to all current members. Sad, sad day.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I doubt I'll renew my membership unless they lower their fees. The inability to search for ladies and request an appointment is BS Originally Posted by Bankshot
You are the buyer, so you have the choice to pick what you are willing to pay for..

I see nothing wrong with that at all!

People work hard for their money, I completely understand..

Maybe Gina will find a way, to keep you guys happy, as well as y'all business..
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
P4 is a tempting target for Feds after they’ve finished with BP. Be careful out there.
pyramider's Avatar
Holy crap, learn to adjust to the new climate. I realize that some people do not like change. But you have to adjust or find another hobby.