Can too many reviews and okays be a turn off?


I would like to know your opinion. When you see a hobbyist who has say 10, 20, 40, 60 or sometimes even more than 100 eccie reviews - How do you view that? Is that too many and is it a turn off? (assume most, if not all of the reviews are a "yes")

Or, if you view his profile on the other site and he has say 30, 40 or 50+ "okays".

Do you take these numbers as a positive thing? i.e. He is well established and verified etc. Or do you just think otherwise?
RedLeg505's Avatar
An interesting question, will wait for the provider replies with interest.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think we had this discussion a while back with the results being mixed. Some thought that a guy with a lot of reviews/okays was a good sign b/c it meant he could be trusted. The other line of thought was that a guy having that many reviews/okays might have something wrong with him in terms of mentality. I don't know. I have over 40 written reviews and probably another 20 + encounters where I didn't write a review. Figuring in repeat visits and the like, I've probably been with about 50 different women or close abouts. I've never had a girl tell me that she is concerned b/c I've had so many different partners.

What about the flip to the question. How do guys feel about seeing a girl with over 50, 100 or more reviews? I'm fine with it until I run across a girl with more than 200 reviews. Then I do a little more screening. Tells me she is either high volume, been in the biz a long time, or both. My concerns are that she's done it so much her looks aren't great, or her service attitude is jaded. I'll be honest. I like my providers fresh. Nothing better than to be a girls first or one of her firsts in the biz.
It is not a turn-off, however I view them as less likely to become a regular. Regardless, my level of service remains the same.
Solitaire's Avatar
It is not a turn-off, however I view them as less likely to become a regular. Regardless, my level of service remains the same. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
What Marie said, and I tend to find a little comfort initially, seeing that a client is experienced, but then on to the nitty gritty of the screen, who have you seen RECENTLY and how were those encounters... are you having a midlife, moral turnaround, flipped, decide to become domm and not inform the ladies you meet *sarcasm* - good clients turn bad all the time in a variety of ways. I am interested more in consistency, but experience is not a bad thing at all either.
What Marie said, and I tend to find a little comfort initially, seeing that a client is experienced, but then on to the nitty gritty of the screen, who have you seen RECENTLY and how were those encounters... are you having a midlife, moral turnaround, flipped, decide to become domm and not inform the ladies you meet *sarcasm* - good clients turn bad all the time in a variety of ways. I am interested more in consistency, but experience is not a bad thing at all either. Originally Posted by Solitaire
Interesting...thanks for sharing your perspective.
I have spoken to a few providers about this topic. Most that I've spoken to avoid guys that are too outspoken in their review cuz they might be too critical in their review and might hurt their biz. Taking a big risk especially with a well established hobbyist. I'm sure with the girls that are new to the biz it usually only helps, but the we'll established girls from what I've gathered avoid the risk.
Winter Monroe's Avatar
I think guys with excessive action is either a sign that he likes verity or has not found the provider to tame the Beast!!!! Lol!!! On the flipside I am a low volume provider so when I see ladies with excessive action I find it not so attractive.... Than when I read the reviews I get a lil lost due to the fact it is 2014 and there is a lot of unprotected services in exchange.... Sounds like a problem could appear in the future!!!! Just my thought.... Be Safe and Happy Hunting!!!
Still Looking's Avatar
It sure makes screening a snap!
In general it's a positive for me, and certainly makes screening easier. But I am leery if a gent has seen quite a few ladies who have a reputation for being less than safe or professional in their dealings.
I have close to 50 OKs on p411. Most of the time when I set an appointment with a provider, I do it because after my research, I view her as a potential ATF. But obviously, we have to see each other and the ENTIRE time from initial contact (showing her TCB skills) first meeting, the session itself (not just if I got off) up until I walk out the door must go at least very well to outstanding for me to see them for a second time. Most of the providers who I have seen, and her knowing that, have been all talk and no action as far as giving me a reason to see them for future visits. A couple of providers who I would notate as ATF, travel a lot and our schedules do not tend to mesh.

Since I did schedule and show up on time, was prepared (hygiene, donation, ect) was respectful of her and left when my time was up, then I SHOULD get an OK on p411 from that provider. WALDT, so sometimes, even after extensive research, you just do not mesh well with another person upon meeting them and/or in a session, which is all about personal intimacy, so it should not be a question of whether of not a provider will see a particular client again, but rather is the potential client safe to see for a session, which the OKs and the more the better, and as long as he has a few recent ones in the last couple of months, say it the best.
Prime Time's Avatar
46 OK's and still can't find any fried chicken friendly hookers.
It is not a turn-off, however I view them as less likely to become a regular. Regardless, my level of service remains the same. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I agree with Marie. Not a turn off, but I don't expect him to be a regular visitor. I still treat him the same as I would my other gents. With that many reviews and ok's I would be pretty sure he was a good guy.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar

I would like to know your opinion. When you see a hobbyist who has say 10, 20, 40, 60 or sometimes even more than 100 eccie reviews - How do you view that? Is that too many and is it a turn off? (assume most, if not all of the reviews are a "yes")

Or, if you view his profile on the other site and he has say 30, 40 or 50+ "okays".

Do you take these numbers as a positive thing? i.e. He is well established and verified etc. Or do you just think otherwise? Originally Posted by SNL9933
Personally it doesn't turn me on or off. When I search reviews I look more for the types of women that a gent has seen. What turns me on or off is how the gent post because, that gives me some insight on personality, intellect and wit. Some gents review, some don't, I appreciate them both just the same
Since I did this years ago before all the review sites and internet screening, I am thrilled with the way things work now. I used to work for an agency who's screening process was asking for a name, and then we checked id when we got there. Unless it was someone I had personally seen previously, every appointment was a gamble. And if there was a bad client, there wasn't a blacklist or anyway to really warn others since there wasn't any communication with other ladies, only the service.

With the reviews and referral sites, as well as forums like this, it seems much safer for everyone now. As a newbie now I would feel much safer seeing someone that has a lot of reviews (positive) and ok's, than someone without any. And I figure a lot of men just like variety so the number of reviews wouldn't bother me. However, the content, if repeatedly very critical, would probably make me leery.