Stormy owes Trump 300k!!!

bambino's Avatar
MARCH 21, 2022

Trump Wins Stormy Daniels Case

The 9th Circuit just issued a final ruling in the Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) frivolous lawsuit case against me brought by her disgraced lawyer, Michael Avenatti, upholding the lower court ruling that she owes me nearly $300,000 in attorney fees, costs, and sanctions (not including appeal costs). As I have stated many times throughout the years, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to. The ruling was a total and complete victory and vindication for, and of me.

The lawsuit was a purely political stunt that never should have been started, or allowed to happen, and I am pleased that my lawyers were able to bring it to a successful conclusion after the court fully rejected her appeal. Now all I have to do is wait for all of the money she owes me.

P.S. The Fake News probably won't report this story!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
MARCH 21, 2022

Trump Wins Stormy Daniels Case

The 9th Circuit just issued a final ruling in the Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) frivolous lawsuit case against me brought by her disgraced lawyer, Michael Avenatti, upholding the lower court ruling that she owes me nearly $300,000 in attorney fees, costs, and sanctions (not including appeal costs). As I have stated many times throughout the years, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to. The ruling was a total and complete victory and vindication for, and of me.

The lawsuit was a purely political stunt that never should have been started, or allowed to happen, and I am pleased that my lawyers were able to bring it to a successful conclusion after the court fully rejected her appeal. Now all I have to do is wait for all of the money she owes me.

P.S. The Fake News probably won't report this story!

### | @GEORGENEWS Originally Posted by bambino

Donald Trump. the only man in history to get a refund from a whore. with interest. and double damages. brilliant!!!!

... Surely been telling everyone this since I joined
the site here... Not just what she owes Trump's barristers,
but what she must owe her own.

Avenatti even stiffed her!
Her 15 minutes of fame - has prolly COST HER more $$$$
money than she made.

Next, she'll be on the View - surely cryin' to those
old crones about how she's been Ruined by Men...

### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
why is that old hag still in the noos!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because the DPSTs think it’s important, m’boy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because the DPSTs think it’s important, m’boy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

so typical of you. let's travel back in ECCIE time when stormy tits was your favorite cunt

until she wasn't.


Pecker slapping to come.

David Pecker and Dylan Howard corroborated Michael Cohen’s account implicating the president in a federal crime. And Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, says there are more revelations to come.

AUGUST 23, 2018 11:30 AM

As Robert Mueller’s siege closes in on Donald Trump, the president has been left to wonder which of his staff and closest allies will, after all, stay loyal. On Tuesday, Michael Cohen completed his operatic turn against his former boss when he stood in federal court and pleaded guilty to eight felonies that included making hush-money payments at Trump’s direction to women Trump allegedly had sex with. The admission effectively made Trump an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal crime.

Cohen’s stunning admission came just days after The New York Times reported that White House counsel Don McGahn provided 30 hours of testimony to Mueller’s investigators. McGahn’s extensive cooperation with Mueller rattled the West Wing to the core at a time when aides were struggling to contain the fallout from former Apprentice star Omarosa Manigault Newman’s scathing White House memoir.

And now Trump’s most powerful media ally next to Fox News has broken with him. According to two sources briefed on the Cohen investigation, prosecutors granted immunity to David Pecker, chairman of The National Enquirer publisher, American Media Inc., and A.M.I.’s chief content officer, Dylan Howard, so they would describe Trump’s involvement in Cohen’s payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal during the 2016 campaign. The Wall Street Journal first reported Pecker’s cooperation on Wednesday night. (Pecker and Howard did not respond to multiple requests for comment. A spokesperson for the Southern District of New York declined to comment.)

Pecker’s apparent decision to corroborate Cohen’s account, and implicate Trump in a federal crime, is another vivid example of how isolated Trump is becoming as the walls close in and his former friends look for ways out. “Holy shit, I thought Pecker would be the last one to turn,” a Trump friend told me when I brought up the news. Trump and Pecker have been close for years. According to the Trump friend, Pecker regularly flew on Trump’s plane from New York to Florida. In July 2013, Trump tweeted that Pecker should become C.E.O. of Time magazine. “He’d make it exciting and win awards!”

During the 2016 campaign, Pecker provided invaluable media support to Trump by regularly attacking his Republican rivals and Hillary Clinton. At times, it seemed like the Enquirer operated as a de-facto arm of the campaign. In October 2015, I reported that Trump aides were a source for an Enquirer article exposing Ben Carson’s malpractice lawsuits (“Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!”). Pecker denied it at the time. In June, The Washington Post reported that the Enquirer routinely sent stories to Trump to review prior to publication. (The Enquirer denied that as well.) During the transition, rumors circulated that Trump was considering Pecker for a prime ambassadorship. Last summer, Pecker reportedly brought an adviser to Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman to meet Trump in the Oval Office to help him expand A.M.I.’s business.

But that was before federal prosecutors investigating Cohen subpoenaed A.M.I. Pecker’s friendship with Trump now seems to be over. According to a source close to A.M.I., Pecker and Trump haven’t spoken in roughly eight months. Howard remains particularly angry at Trump, two people close to Howard told me. “There is no love lost,” one person familiar with Howard’s thinking said. Another person said Howard “hates Trump” and feels “used and abused by him.”

It’s likely that more Trump relationships will be stress-tested in the weeks to come as Trump’s legal peril escalates. Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, has given a series of cable-news interviews intimating that Cohen has valuable and damaging information on Trump to share with Mueller—including the claim that Trump had foreknowledge of Russia’s hacking of Clinton’s e-mails. One source close to Cohen told me Cohen wants to tell Mueller that Trump discussed the release of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s e-mails during the weekend when the Access Hollywood "grab ’em by the pussy” tape dominated the news cycle.

Trump, meanwhile, is struggling to develop a strategy to push back on the damaging headlines. He largely avoided the topic of Cohen and Paul Manafort during his relatively subdued rally on Tuesday night in West Virginia. On Wednesday, he gave a meandering interview to Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt, in which he suggested the stock market might crash were he to be impeached. One source close to the White House said Trump is considering announcing he’s revoked additional security clearances to create a new story line. The source added that Trump is even considering taking clearances from former members of his administration, including former national security adviser H.R. McMaster and secretary of state Rex Tillerson. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

And he had a mushroom dick. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

He may be POTUS but he is NOT above the law.

Shoulda paid her off too!

New York appellate court allows Summer Zervos defamation suit against Trump to proceed
Felicia Sonmez

A New York appellate court ruled Thursday that President Trump must face a defamation lawsuit filed by former “Apprentice” contestant Summer Zervos, one of about a dozen women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct shortly before the 2016 election.

The ruling means that lawyers for Zervos may have the opportunity to question Trump under oath in the coming months.

Trump has called Zervos and the other women who made accusations against him “liars,” prompting Zervos to file a lawsuit in 2017. Trump’s lawyers have tried unsuccessfully to block the suit, arguing that the president is immune from such lawsuits in state court.

In its ruling Thursday, a panel of New York appellate judges rejected that argument, citing the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Clinton v. Jones, which established that presidents can be sued while in office for unofficial acts. Two of the five judges on the panel dissented in part.

“Contrary to defendant’s contention, Clinton v Jones did not suggest that its reasoning would not apply to state court actions,” the judges said in their majority decision. “It merely identified a potential constitutional concern. Notwithstanding that concern, this Court should not be deterred from holding that a state court can exercise jurisdiction over the President as a defendant in a civil lawsuit.”

Zervos’s legal team hailed the ruling as an affirmation that Trump “is not above the law.”

“The case has proceeded in the trial court and discovery continues,” Mariann Wang, Zervos’s attorney, said in a statement. “We look forward to proving to a jury that Ms. Zervos told the truth about Defendant’s unwanted sexual groping and holding him accountable for his malicious lies.”

The current schedule sets a deadline of June 28 for depositions, with document and electronic discovery expected to be concluded by the end of July.

Trump’s attorney, Marc E. Kasowitz, voiced disagreement with the ruling and said the president plans to appeal to the New York Court of Appeals, “which we expect will agree with the dissent.”

“We believe that the well-reasoned dissenting opinion by 2 of the 5 justices, citing the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Clinton v. Jones case, is correct in concluding that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution bars state courts from hearing cases against the President while he or she is in office,” Kasowitz said in a statement.

A lawyer for the Trump Organization did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Zervos has claimed that Trump forcibly kissed and groped her during a December 2007 encounter at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles. Trump has denied the allegations.

Another defamation lawsuit against Trump by adult-film actress Stormy Daniels was dismissed by a federal judge in October. Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford, had argued that Trump defamed her when he suggested that she had lied about being threatened to keep quiet about their alleged past relationship.

In dismissing the Daniels case, U.S. District Judge S. James Otero wrote that Daniels had presented herself as Trump’s “political adversary” and that Trump’s “rhetorical hyperbole” was protected speech.

But the Zervos case differs in several key aspects, legal experts have noted.

In contrast to Daniels and her attorney, Michael Avenatti, Zervos and her lawyers have taken a low-key approach, a step that may help them negate claims that the suit is politically motivated.

The Zervos case is also based on more than a dozen statements by Trump claiming that she and other women had made false accusations against him. In the Daniels case, only one statement by Trump was at issue. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Oversimplification and more equivocation, and you know it, LL.

You think this is about Stormy Daniels?

Or my wife? (You really want to go there?)

You seem to believe that Trump is just the despot we need to communicate with other depots.

You don’t know your stuff. OR MINE. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You don't think maybe she's a designated scapegoat? That when all is said and done, Trump won't blame her for ruining his most beautiful and perfect legal coup?

Then like Stormy, she fucked Trump, too. But when do we get to read the book?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

poor stormy. she was once your fav cunt. now you turn on her. who's next? E Jean Carroll?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
her cunt is a dried up prune. I guess YR is ok with it. clap time?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
her cunt is a dried up prune. I guess YR is ok with it. clap time? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

stormy tits goes to sleep every night wishing she was Melania interesting a amateur outfucked a "pro whore" and got the billion dollar prize, Donald "big mushroom" Trump.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOL! Unemployment suits you well.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-22-2022, 09:26 AM
stormy tits goes to sleep every night wishing she was Melania interesting a amateur outfucked a "pro whore" and got the billion dollar prize, Donald "big mushroom" Trump.

bhahahahahahaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
But Trump said this legal wins means he didn't fuck Stormy.

Which is not wtf it means at all.

But you know Trump is lying yet again, right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-22-2022, 09:31 AM
MARCH 21, 2022

As I have stated many times throughout the years, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to | @GEORGENEWS Originally Posted by bambino
And you believe that shit bambino?

You believe that is what this ruling means?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
But Trump said this legal wins means he didn't fuck Stormy.

Which is not wtf it means at all.

But you know Trump is lying yet again, right? Originally Posted by WTF

Trump is denying. the nda said "don't talk about it" stormy tits blabbed her fake tits off. Avenatti probably told her "go ahead! i'm a great lawyer! i'll bring down Trump! now suck my dick while i steal your book advance."

speaking of dicks and Avenatti .. i hear he's trying out for the prison baseball team .. as the "cockcatcher"

speaking of dicks and Avenatti .. i hear he's trying out for the prison baseball team .. as the "cockcatcher"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
does stephanie ruhle, that bad-breath looking twit on msnbc. whom wtf thinks is so smart and hot (gag),

does she still want avenatti as president?

i havent heard her "disavow" avenatti yet
... The liberal mouthpieces run their gobs - then when
the truth comes out they run away from their false claims.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe Twitler can just use Stormy's money to pay THIS settlement.

I wonder if the old pussy grabber had a TicTac in his gob at the time!

Another L for the object of your affection, boys!