NFL GOAT ranking. agree, disagree, changes.

This stuff is usually just one man’s opinion but he did a pretty good job. Nice to see Dick Lebeow getting the number one defensive coordinator of all time. Without him we have at least one less Super Bowl. Great coach and better man. His players would do anything for him.
... Didn't Ilgop get them into the World Cup recently?

Prolly deserves a mention... What does the link say?

#### Salty
I agree that these are largely opinion based, but I agree with some of his selections. TB12 is pretty obvious and I'd put Joe second too. I'm not crowning him yet, but I do see some of that Montana coolness in young KP. Hopefully he can be half as great. Rice is an easy choice, but I'd put AB further up the list of WR than this guy did. Off the field stuff aside, he put together a six year stretch that was untouchable. Sanders and Payton were the best RBs that I watched but I know that Brown was extremely dominant. Ogden, LT, and Ray Lewis were easy choices for me. Strange that they have Juinor Seau listed at outside LB. I'd rank Troy ahead of Lott, but that may be because I've watched every game of his and saw him make so many crazy instinctive one of a kind plays.
bambino's Avatar
Meh. I didn’t get past the fullbacks. How anyone could rank Mike Alstott ahead of Franco, Csonka and Riggins is beyond me. Allston was a really good player but his stats are ordinary and he’s not in the HOF. So I didn’t go any further.
Meh. I didn’t get past the fullbacks. How anyone could rank Mike Alstott ahead of Franco, Csonka and Riggins is beyond me. Allston was a really good player but his stats are ordinary and he’s not in the HOF. So I didn’t go any further. Originally Posted by bambino

I agree. By the time Alstott came around FB was almost a different position. Although Alstott ran the ball more than most of the FB of his era, he still wasn't really a feature back like the other three you mentioned. He never had a 1000 yard season.
chizzy's Avatar
these are the stupidest things in the world

brady the goat? please, you cannot compare offensive players from the 60's or 70's to even the 90's or today/ way too many rule changes to favor the offense. who knows what bradshaw or staubach or stabler could have done with todays rules? who knows how much better swan or pearson could have been. its absolutely impossible to know

do a pre 90 and after 90 split and you have a better idea

but oh well

chuck noll number 9? please top 3

dion better all round corner than woodson? no fucking way/ that pussy couldnt tackle my grandaughter as a runner, he was a pussy

noone was a better center than mike webster
Brady won 7 Super Bowls. No one else has. No other QB has won more than 4. Easy decision there. NFL championships don't count. There were only 8-12 teams. Brady was the best out of 32 teams 7 times. Quite the feat.

Woodson was great, and I can respect someone's argument of him over Prime if it doesn't include that "he couldn't tackle" nonsense that I've heard so many times. To say he couldn't tackle is not even close to the truth. The man had 512 tackles in the NFL. That's a lot for a shut down corner. Pussy? Far from it. Prime returned punts. Possibly the bravest job in football.

Mike Webster was great, but center is so hard to quantify to that extent. Interesting to see Pouncey that far up the list. Maybe he will make the HOF.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The Bus not even on the fullback list?
chizzy's Avatar
Brady won 7 Super Bowls. No one else has. No other QB has won more than 4. Easy decision there. NFL championships don't count. There were only 8-12 teams. Brady was the best out of 32 teams 7 times. Quite the feat.

Woodson was great, and I can respect someone's argument of him over Prime if it doesn't include that "he couldn't tackle" nonsense that I've heard so many times. To say he couldn't tackle is not even close to the truth. The man had 512 tackles in the NFL. That's a lot for a shut down corner. Pussy? Far from it. Prime returned punts. Possibly the bravest job in football.

Mike Webster was great, but center is so hard to quantify to that extent. Interesting to see Pouncey that far up the list. Maybe he will make the HOF. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
your arguement holds no water. if they changed the rules tomorrow to change the rules and no defensive player is allowed to touch a reciever until the ball is firmly in his hands and he takes 3 steps and the qb is not allowed to be sacked, what happens to a qbs throwing capabilities?rules matter rules changed the game period

offensives increased, points increased and qbs stats went thru the roof. it does matter, you cannot compare qbs from different eras

brady is a damn good qb, one of the greatest and certainly the goat of his era but you cannot compare eras when rules have changed.

and dion was afraid to tackle running backs except using his arms......
bambino's Avatar
Dermonti Dawson and Dwight Stevenson were far more athletic than Webby. I’d put Webster 3rd.
your arguement holds no water. if they changed the rules tomorrow to change the rules and no defensive player is allowed to touch a reciever until the ball is firmly in his hands and he takes 3 steps and the qb is not allowed to be sacked, what happens to a qbs throwing capabilities?rules matter rules changed the game period

offensives increased, points increased and qbs stats went thru the roof. it does matter, you cannot compare qbs from different eras

brady is a damn good qb, one of the greatest and certainly the goat of his era but you cannot compare eras when rules have changed.

and dion was afraid to tackle running backs except using his arms...... Originally Posted by chizzy

Offensive production has certainly increased due to the rule changes and increased sophistication, which is why I didn't even mention all of the offensive production records that he holds. He beat 31 other teams and quarterbacks all playing under the same rules of the time, 7 times. Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw beat 27 other teams all playing under the same rules of the time 4 times. Brady is 3 time league MVP, 6 time All Pro, 15 time Pro Bowl, 7 time SB champ, and 5 time SB MVP. He was SB MVP more times than any other QB even won the SB. He's the GOAT. The consensus amongst the experts is as close as you will ever get on something like this.

Prime tackled over 500 times. It doesn't matter if he tackled with his pinkie finger. The sheer amount of tackles disproves the "Prime can't tackle" falsehood.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Montana gets my vote. If he got the ball with 9 seconds on the clock, down by 6 with 80 yards to go, the writers could confidently start writing that the 49ers won the game.
chizzy's Avatar
Offensive production has certainly increased due to the rule changes and increased sophistication, which is why I didn't even mention all of the offensive production records that he holds. He beat 31 other teams and quarterbacks all playing under the same rules of the time, 7 times. Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw beat 27 other teams all playing under the same rules of the time 4 times. Brady is 3 time league MVP, 6 time All Pro, 15 time Pro Bowl, 7 time SB champ, and 5 time SB MVP. He was SB MVP more times than any other QB even won the SB. He's the GOAT. The consensus amongst the experts is as close as you will ever get on something like this.

Prime tackled over 500 times. It doesn't matter if he tackled with his pinkie finger. The sheer amount of tackles disproves the "Prime can't tackle" falsehood. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
1. You made my point when you said, under the same rules of the time.

2. And no, rules had changed between Bradshaw and Montana times so u better go back and Google some more pup

3 I'll take the word of dions team mates Troy and Irvin and the fact dion admitted such before ur opinion

Why. Do u think 4000 yards passing was unheard in the 70s? Don't think Ken stabler.or Roger or Terry could do it?

Please go kiss Bradys poster lol. Under the old rules, Brady never would have lasted as long as he did.
... Sorry about me post before, lads.
I thought the discussion was Nigerian football for some odd reason.

But allow me to say THIS - I surely agree-with 1pittsburgh
concerning Brady... The fellow has Won (and lost) a GREAT NUMBER
of Super Bowl finals... Maybe it's true that ya can't really
compare eras and what-not, maybe Brady would be "too soft"
for olde time rules, blah, blah, blah...

Maybe Brady would surely have ADAPTED to whatever style
and STILL thrived back then... But he's surely the best QB
in the modern era... Just sayin' - and I don't support his teams.

Ain't it odd that we really don't think-of "modern era" blokes
as the best ever - as we're always lookin' backward.

Reckon in the late 60's - if somebody woulda called Jim Brown
the best back EVER - there'd be some felllow sayin'
"Nope... The best backs played in the 40's and 50's"...

Just me-own 2c-piece on yer American football and what-not...

### Salty